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Taste Dominance

The sense of taste is a quiet but dominant influence in the body. It is supposed to assist the nutrition process of the body but instead it dominates and usurps the mission of the nutrition process, causing the body to overeat the correct diet and to gorge the wrong foods.

Due to the unity between the sense of taste and the nutrition need, the coreSelf has difficulty controlling diet regarding what to eat and when to cease eating on a daily basis. A yogi must sort the two functions, so that he can differentiate the call for food from the nutrition center, as contrasted to the call for tasting by the sense of taste.

If the yogi experiences these two functions as one urge, that means that he will overeat the correct food and will ingest into the body many foods because of a need to taste those products.

This tasting feature must be curbed so that the sense of taste only request tasting when the nutrition feature ask for food. Because the tasting sense is tyrannical, it cannot be trusted for making decisions about diet. It should only be involved in tasting as requested by the nutritional function. It should not be tasting just for tasting sake, for enjoying through the tasting organs in the mouth.

A yogi must split the joint energy of the sense of taste and the nutrition center. Then he will recognize when the sense of taste independently pressures the system to eat. This will give the yogi, the authority to rigidly control the tasting sense. That will result in freedom from overeating the correct foods. It will yield the power to cease the urge to eat just for the sake of tasting.

Replies (1)
    • Great post!

      I use occasional fasting to curb my over eating even though I eat only once a day!

      The psyche tells you eat only once a day, so binge on it, that’s how you get nutrition and again uses “once a day meal arguement” to eat only tasty and healthy foods. 

      But in time, every day desperation and urge for tasty foods increase and I have to release it on some restaurant foods.

      All day fasting occasionally brakes this tendency to bring it under manageable limits.


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