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Successful Yoga Practice Hereafter Not Likely

I was in an encounter with Yogeshwarananda on April 13, 2022. Due to this incidence, I drew the conclusion that it is hardly likely that any ascetic would complete the practice in the astral situation which is near to this physical place. This however is more reason why a yogi should batten down and tighten his/her practice, using every bit of spare time to consolidate the disciplines.

I did an afternoon session of breath infusion. After some twenty minutes, I challenged the sleep vritti energy which was accumulated since the last session of practice. This was located inside the body by the sacral bones.

Usually as I do this, Yogeshwarananda appears. On this occasion, during this session he was prompt. He was immediately there. He took his seat at the northern entrance to the place. It is a secured place for yogis and yoginis who practice under his supervision. Most of the students are departed souls.

As soon as he sat down, he asked about Sir Paul Castagna who was left there in a supervisory role while Yogeshwarananda was away. Just as I was about to say that I did not see Sir Paul for some days now, Sir Paul appeared. He said this to Yogeshwarananda.

“They left. One by one, each left. They were pulled away by affectionate energies from physical acquaintances. I could not stop them.”

It appears that Sir Paul was in a hidden place behind a building at the place. there he practiced but he put himself there to remain isolated from the ones who left to associate with physical people who were acquaintances.

The pull from acquaintances is powerful enough to thwart the plans of a neophyte yogi. This means that it is hardly likely that one will not take rebirth after one is departed from the present body. The pull of emotions between one and any person who is physically based is difficult to resist.

Replies (2)
    • How to develop immunity from such affectionate and emotional energies from friends and relatives in this life time or here after?

      Like Patanjali says Vairagya - lack of interest, is that the only key or there more to it?

      • Aniroodh Sivaraman

        Vairagya is lack of interest. Then there is a stall, like for instance when the ignition is turned off in an automobile. But then what? You stalled the car, then you sit in it and wait for what.

        Some yogis see that as the objective, an existential niche in which there is nothing, no movement, no ideation, no perception, nothing.

        Some other yogis achieve vairagya, genuine vairagya, and then use samyama (dhyana) to develop interest in something or someone transcendental. It depends on the nature of the individual seeker and what that person was attracted to and is satisfied with as the ultimate achievement.

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