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Subtle Body Satyaloka Upgrade

Supposedly there are many types of bodies besides the physical one. According to the sect there are various bodies. Some of these were given as the etheric body, the emotional body, the mental body, the astral body, the celestial body, the causal body and the spiritual body.


It depends on the sect. However in my experience there are only four types of bodies with one being configured in such a way as to be termed as being bodiless.

These four are

·       physical body

·       subtle body

·       causal body

·       spiritual body


Of these the physical one is the three dimensional one which I use to report this. The next body is the subtle one which is also known as the astral body, ghost body, dream body, energy body. This body shifts up and down in frequency so that it may be misinterpreted as being several bodies, when in fact it is the same body with varying energy content and varying perceptional abilities.


There is the causal body which is not a body in the traditional sense because it has no limbs and senses except for the sense of subjective knowing.


Then finally there is a spiritual body which has spiritual limbs and senses and which is the form of the coreSelf. In the physical existence, persons using a physical body experience this spiritual body as a blaring spark of perpetual energy without limbs and senses of its own but will ability to garnish information from the causal, subtle and physical forms.


I report in this article an incidence which occurred on March 4, 2019, in which Sir Paul Castagna and I did a joint session of kundalini yoga practice using bhastrika breath infusion. Sir Paul is deceased. He was present as a psychic being only. I was present both as a physical and psychic being.


During the session, Sir Paul superimposed his psyche into mine. This is sometimes done either by teachers or by student for the purpose of observing exactly what the yogi does or to take control of the yogi’s practice to show special techniques. In this experience, Sir Paul wanted to experience what I did and also to observe in details of various compressions and controls which cannot be seen by external viewing even using a subtle body.


At first when he did this a memory of his became exposed. It was a memory of an incidence when he used his last body, where a house of mine was burnt by an arsonist in Roosevelt Minnesota, around the year of 1978. The memory was so intact that it seems that we were present at that place and could see the snow and feel the cold climate which was current at the time.


After this memory eruption, Sir Paul shifted his psychic form more precisely. Then the exposure ceased. He caught my eye then as a signal that I could continue the practice. He observed the precise actions I took on the psychic level to compress the subtle energy and arouse the kundalini.


Soon after this which was about forty minutes into the session, cell kundalini was aroused so that our subtle bodies upshifted to the satyaloka plane of consciousness where the subtle body has a particular flavor of bliss energy. Especially behind the shoulders there were rectangular blocks of energy shifting silently. These were about one inch thick, about four by two inches in length and width. The entire body including the head, limbs and head was full of this resplendent shimmering liquid-like bliss energy of varying colors. It was light green, light yellow, and had crystal bundles.


I alerted Sir Paul that if somehow we could get our subtle forms to retain this energy then definitely we would be transferred to the satyaloka environment. This place is sometimes termed as brahmaloka when brahmaloka is a celestial residence for the Brahma deity.




Bhastrika breath infusion is not an easy practice. However if one does it over time it becomes regular and direct for raising kundalini and for bursting cell kundalini energy here and there in the subtle body. Eventually one learns of the various levels which the subtle body may skip to. One can prepare that form for transiting to a higher realm after the physical body is no longer accessible.


From my current research, I give these locations as objectives for a yogi:

·       subterranean siddhaloka

·       physical body yoga zone

·       swargaloka piety-exhaustion heavenly world

·       siddhaloka holding zone

·       maharloka rebirth resistance zone

·       janaloka social resistance zone

·       tapaloka total austerity zone

·       brahmaloka deity relation zone

These are the details:


After the physical body is no longer accessible, a yogi may go to a subterranean place where other yogis practice yoga. This can be considered to be a purgatory for yogis. From this place the yogi must take another physical body, but he may do so after being there for a short or long period of time. Then on the basis of his past social contributions while he used a physical body, he will again be as a woman’s child. The situation of that subterranean place is such that at least the yogi is not a regular ghost. He continues to do practice and to associate with likeminded ascetics. This guarantees for him that as soon as he can he will resume the practice when he gets a new embryo and can connect with a teacher in the physical world.


The physical body yoga zone is this physical existence which we endure now. It is a valuable opportunity. From this vantage a yogi may achieve salvation so that he develops in the subtle body a resistance to taking physical forms.


The swargaloka piety-exhaustion heavenly world may be achieved by a yogi. It is not a recommended objective but a yogi may be required to go there if he has certain enjoying desires when he previously used a physical body and did positive social acts. This place is a danger because the subtle body as it is experienced there does not permit one to have discrimination. This means that while one is there one will not have any understanding or motivation about liberation. These will be in the psyche as they were before while one was on earth, but these would be suspended for the time being.


After using one’s pious credits in the swargaloka heavenly place, one will find oneself to be in the subterranean world with other people who are urged to come back into the physical world to participate in its history. From there one will eventually find oneself to be transformed into an embryo.


The next higher location is the siddhaloka holding zone. This place is desired. From here one may go higher without having to use a physical body to do austerities. At this place one can continue practice while in association with very advanced yogis. The key factor about this place, is that a yogi can attain this location only if he developed resistance to physical rebirth. This should be simple enough but it is a tall order because it means that the yogi is resistant to gender differentiation and the energy flows which are overpowering when one is in the presence of someone who one is sexually attracted to. This includes the attraction to affection which itself is the currency of sexual attraction.


In the siddhaloka holding zone, a yogi may complete the austerities which would cause the subtle body to be formatted with higher energy and higher perception. A yogi can self-focus here more efficiently. He does not have to deal with digestion, social involvement and event interruptions. A yogi can develop more efficiency of control of the psyche while at this place.


The next level is the maharloka rebirth resistance zone. If a yogi reaches this place, it means that his subtle body has no attraction to taking rebirth. He no longer has to be alert about the possibility of taking an embryo. At this place there are no thoughts, ideas or motivations for physical history. The subtle body is such here that it always looks away from earthly existence as a matter of course. No effort is made to stop the tendency for physical rebirth.


The next location is the janaloka social resistance zone. This place is where the yogi is separated from others. This is where the concept of having a social family or being part of a social family on earth no longer occurs in the mind. The pull to be part of a social family unit either as the head of the family or as co-head, or as a dependent in it, is not experienced at this place. Persons who reside at this place greet each other cordially just as strangers who meet at a club but who are not related and who though cordial have no desire to bond with each other as family members.


The next zone is tapaloka total austerity zone. This place is the final place for purifying bad motivations and very subtle corruptions in the psyche. These subtle energies are hidden but they undermine a yogi’s quest for liberation. Here one meets mahayogins who assist in making the final advancement.


The last and highest of the zones which one may reach with the subtle body is the brahmaloka deity relationship zone. This is the environment where the Brahma deity resides. At this place one comes to terms with the planetary creator. From this place, one may go even higher but not with the subtle body. That form does not manifest beyond this place.

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