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Subtle Body Resolutions

Even before death of the physical system, a yogi can settle some relationships to free himself/herself of resentments and unserved obligations. This can be done by becoming more and more aware of the subtle body and less and less focused on the physical one. This allows for reductions in the karmic accounts which is a boon for any yogi who is not liberated and who is still within reach of consequential energies which abound in the universe.

The consequential energies (karmic accounts) become disabled when a yogi is liberated from the physical and subtle environments in which those energies are existent. A yogi can ease himself now, if he can continually resolve many issues using only the subtle body without having to be physical for the resolution. There are some energies which can only be settled physically but many do not require a physical scenery because their display on the astral level could cause fulfillments both in the psyche of the yogi and in the other person who may or may not be an ascetic.

There was an elder whom I knew when my physical body was about sixteen years of age. Because of the relationship, he developed a father-to-son emotion which was directed to me. This caused his psyche to generate in itself and to emit, feelings that I should be available to him as an agreeable son.

After 50 years, this person who is deceased, met me on the astral planes, and requested services which a son would render to a father under normal circumstances. I complied. While doing so, I noticed that the man was relieved of his desire. I was also relieved of the same which were energies which were emitted from his physical body over the years and which penetrated my psyche.

If, however such energies from others are not resolved astrally there is the chance that a yogi may take birth to service the person concerned in the way which is fulfilling to that person. But if the yogi can render the services on the astral planes the force of the energy would be cancelled and the yogi will not have to meet that person physically in some other birth for the fulfillments.

Replies (5)
    • Michael wroteThe consequential energies (karmic accounts) become disabled when a yogi is liberated from the physical and subtle environments in which those energies are existent. 

      Dean's question: I know that you have mentioned this before in previous posts over the years. Which level of the subtle environment do these karmic energies become non-existent?  

      • That refers to any subtle level which is related to this one, and any from which one can be reached mentally or emotionally by someone who is involved in this one.

        For instance, if you are in rural Estonia, you may not have a cell phone. Thus, even though nearly everyone in the UK has such a phone, none of those persons can reach you. But if you have a phone there and it has a satellite connection, you can be reached.

        But we can assume that if you are in the USA, then there are several ways people from the UK can reach you. It might be possible that you could be extradited. 

        In some meditation experiences, one may find that if one goes to a deep level, one loses contact with this physical world and its psychic communication. But as soon as one resumes the physical body here, contacts here mentally assault one and one must always act physically to satisfy demands pertaining to this place.

        In some deep meditations, one may see an energy coming from someone who is physically involved. One may dodge that energy by going to another plane of existence in the astral realm. That would put one out of reach for the time being.


        • I found an earlier post from Suryananda discussing these astral zones below.   

          Siddhaloka is a holding zone, therefore a variety of activities and practices go on at that level, including reversal of subtle sexual organs, which supports the lack of need for reproduction and sex organs' derived pleasures. 

          Maharloka is the rebirth resistance zone.

          And, Janaloka is the social resistance zone.

          How do these karmic energies operate in these particular zones? 


          • In each of those places (Siddhaloka, Maharloka, Janaloka), the karmic energies from here cannot take hold. Only if a person from those places is lowered, can the karmic energies latch on and produce exchanges.

            Yogis who are in those places, know of the earth and of the way the karmic energies work in th earth and the astral zone near earth, but they keep this information supressed so that there is no related karmic memories arising.

            It is like when your phone was left in another country. You are aware that it is in that other place but you cannot use it. You know that it must ring from time to time but you cannot answer it unless you return to that other place.

            • Understood. 

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