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Subtle Body / Double Occupancy

Can you tell if one or more persons live in your subtle body or in your mind or in your psyche?


Are you the only person resident there?


How can you tell if you are alone or if there are other selves occupying your psychology?


Suppose yourself was a house?

Or suppose your self was a house? (If you prefer that it be written in that way)

Or suppose your mind was a house?

Or suppose your feelings collectively formed an emotional residence?


What about a pregnancy?


How many occupy the body of the pregnant human?


One self or two selves?


What are these selves?


How do we sort one from another?




A friend of mine, a dear friend who is deceased, regularly enters my mind.

Or should I say my psyche?

Or should I say myself.

Which words should I use?




subtle body






Since he was deceased from his physical form this friend regularly enters my psyche, especially when twice per day, I do meditation.


In one meditation I did a practice which was required of me by a deity, where I was to store unused neutral attention energy at a spot to the right of center very near to the center of the eyebrows but inside the psyche about one inch in from the third eye brow chakra.


The deity appeared there in an apparition and instructed that for the purpose of developing the divine eye I should deposit this unused neutral attention energy at the psychic place where he appeared.


I was meditating, doing that when I became aware of this friend in my subtle head, doing exactly what I was doing putting the energy at the same spot. At first I considered that maybe my friend should do this in his psyche rather than in mine. I had no instruction from the deity to permit him to do this simultaneously as I did it but I did not feel that the deity would object to contribution.


My deceased friend sensed my concern about this. He stopped depositing his unused neutral attention to the spot where the deity first appeared. I then told my friend to do this in his psyche later but that for the time being he should continue depositing it in my psyche.


We kept meditating together in this way for another fifteen minutes, then I was interrupted on the physical side and had to cease the practice.


What do you think?


Have you ever had another occupant acting in your psyche?


If so what was the person doing?



Have you ever thought of evicting that someone?

Replies (3)
    • There is some say about Multiple Personality Disorder in the New Testament in regards to Jesus Christ at a time in human history when anyone who was out of it in any way was considered to be possessed by a spirit, a good or bad one. Jesus got into the habit of casting out such spirits which inhabited the psyches of persons and who made such person crazy.


      There is even the story about Legion a man who had countless spirits in him and when those spirits were cast out, as the books states, they demanded of Christ that he would give them another habitation, which he did by directing them to enter some pigs.


      The owner of the animals got angry of course because the animals then ran into water and drowned themselves. So Christ had to beat out of that area in a haste.


      Possession by others or their taking over all or part of the psyche of a person is happening all the time and to everyone. No one is an exception to it. However realizing that it happens is a separate issue. It can be that someone is possessed and does not know that he or she is under an influence.


      More or less even if the influence is negative one may not realize it because of the subtlety and because of the seamless expression of energy of that other person in the psyche.


      Anyone who is emotionally familiar with the genetic composition of a body can seamlessly enter that form and express very subtle influence in it such that the possessed person would not know of it and would assume the influence as their own energy or desire.


      Objectifying oneself in the psyche is not an easy thing to do. Many things happen which are actually happening because of someone else who is in the psyche but the original inhabitant (and I used the term original loosely) may have no idea that it is happening.


      Suppose I began this body with other entities, such that I was never aware of anything else in this body but myself and those entities but with that awareness being identified to myself as me only. Then it would be difficult for me to sort myself now because after all there was never a time when I was just myself or when I could have known myself by myself.


      In the tropics we get examples of this in asexual vegetation which reproduce without seeds. There are some plants in the tropics which produce little child-plants without seeds, just like that. So where are those little child-entities coming from. When did they enter into the mother plant?


      One of my teachers, Arthur Beverford, used to say that one of his sons entered his sexual act with the boy’s mother because Beverford claimed to see the boy’s astral body enter at that time.


      But in the case of these plants since there is no sexual act, since the plants reproduce without pollination, then when do the child-plants enter?


      Now another example is in the insect kingdom where we have a bee hive with one mother with only one bee, among hundreds, who could reproduce. She has one sexual act with a drone bee and from that one act, she produces hundreds of eggs. Can she really sort herself within her mind and pick out those potential child-bees, or would she say that she is not aware of any other person in her psyche besides herself?


      What would be the way for her to verify such possession?



      At least with the queen bee she can verify it externally by checking the successfully developed eggs which come out of her body but what about the drone who impregnated her? He has little chance of ever understanding that he was possessed and that his sex drive was mostly the force of other potential bee-children. Poor man-bee. Totally blind to the issue.

      • In principle, according to the fundamentals of inSelf Yoga and whether one is approaching core self-neutrality penetration or grappling with its theoretical understanding, the core self is distinct to all things other, including the subtle and super subtle. Our thoughts globally considered are also forms filling the subtle dimensions like molecules of air in a container.


        Therefore my approach is to exercise from the outside in. I presume that all influences are like lint fibers that I pick up just from being in any environment. So by delicately tracing influences according to their resultant feelings, moods, and attitudes or thought patterns, I can see how they are different to me, but also what influences they represent and where or from whom they might have originated.


        In essence, this scheme is requiring coping out, and relinquishing proprietorship of said psychic influences. But their resultant changes based on the behaviors I adopt or my actions will be my responsibility as the user of the forms subtle and physical. It is not just a matter of knowing thy self, but meticulously deconstructing thy social self.


        One important aspect to behold is the level of intricacy of the subtle dimensions; physically during a pregnancy, it is easy to evaluate the situation. At term, we will see at least two distinct individuals, even though physically there was one only (visibly) prior to conception. Psychically, the influences of others, as well as those indirectly reaching through intermediary social selves, can be tedious to detect.


        For instance, it is only from observation over several years, that I can factually sense the declining pressures of my child on me, as well as those he was exerting based on the desires of others. On the psychic level, I make little to no difference between the entity and their representation in thought forms, it is like a breeze here as opposed to the gust of wind there and air in that area altogether. The parts and parcels are very similar to the whole in terms of their resultant interactions with others.   


        In some ways the microbiome in my digestive system is also influencing my psyche based on its maintenance; normally this is a fact that is unbeknownst to me even though according to Wikipedia they are estimated at about 100 trillion individuals. Similar is our existence within God’s mind, and our collective psychic energies also affect the actions of our supervising deities.


        A discombobulating part of the reasoning is the implication of the intellect organ; it falls short for not being adept at discriminating between thoughts or memories. For that matter regardless of their origins, they are displayed all the same and the self is mesmerized forevermore. There is no area of actual self-critic within the mind chamber(s), but there is an abundance of discrimination in terms of likes and dislikes. The energy submitted for that very natural instinctive act already implies resistance to disassociation of the self to the presentations coming from within and without.


        The dynamics of conception as explained by RishiDeva in Sex you! Book clarifies and demystifies procreation on the basis of subtle influences and interactions. And, ultimately, there come a time when the yogi must relinquish the sense of ownership (while maintaining responsibility) in order to deepen core-self-discovery. The Kundalini self-tantric canon is particularly advanced in expounding in that direction.


        Core neutrality won’t be contemplated prior to genuinely attempting to divorce from all deemed external energies to the self, such energies from all sources as well as one’s own to include past lives instinctual memory stocks; as they aim at claiming dominance over self. They are energies of psychic attacks and cooperation in the aim of attaining material and or subtle advantage or supremacy.   


        The practicing selves are not maintained within the creative material existence solely based on their own purview, but based on correspondence from the environment composed of the energies of all others who constitute an adhesive medium to be part and parcel of. It is also possible that such self is primarily present in the environment based on the prerogatives of other(s).


        Ultimately inSelf Yoga is by the unique and special mercy of Shri Guru allowing for the training geared at isolating self from the frontal theater, by taking refuge at the back of the mind field. Away from all subtle movements, the self may reassert itself in aloneness, and then it can take advantage of the association with the eternally benevolent naad supernatural sound vibration, acting as a conduit out and away after the long near unending wait.

        • More from LinkedIn:

          • Pierre HANCE

            Pierre HANCE Thank You Michaël very interesting post would you recommend me a book ? A+

          • Michael Beloved
          • Pierre HANCE

            Pierre HANCE Thank You ! A+

          • Lauren Babb, MA

            Lauren Babb, MA When considering things like this we need to define what we mean when we say "self" because in the larger sense, Self encompasses all. So any seemingly separate self would be considered an aspect of Self.

            A friend of mine teaches that if we hear a voice with a thought, or the thought comes in words, it is not truly from yourself but rather from " someone else" that you have internalized in some way, which could also be said as someone else you have let into your psyche or energy field.

            Communication with true self is just knowing.

          • Lauren Babb, MA

            Lauren Babb, MA Part of my practice of discerning self is founded on recognizing my true self as divine Self, and my more temporary smaller self as egoicly based. 

            Does anything that is egoic is not true self.

            Discerning between divine & egoic energies is it general practice of mine. If I consider my true self divine then anything egoic would be a certain kind of "posession". Not necessarily in a bad way, just with the recognition that it is not my purest form of self

          • 13 HANDS aka DALIEN

            13 HANDS aka DALIEN I think your gut bacteria and candida albicans are running amok, :) whispering sweet nothings in your ear....feed me, feed me:) while they are hormonally, chemically altering and creating imbalance across the board on levels in and on all koshas...... in addition to any repressed, unresolved traumas... there's a part of our consciousness (upper chakra arenas) that when out of balance in various areas of the physical body interfere with the energy and emotional bodies. Now if all that is truly in balance in your body Michael, then your experiences are quite intriguing... and that's a whole other response I'd write....but do some blood work, stool samples, adrenal, liver enyzme tests..... watch any food reactions to gauge if there are any issues there going on with the lower three chakras. Whatever is stuck down there gets amplified or over amplified upstairs in the upper ones. With love and super vegan dumps, Dalien

          • Mahesh Krishnamurthy

            Mahesh Krishnamurthy You need to guard your space viciously and never give it up to others. This is called self love or self esteem in simple language. When you don’t guard your space, you’ll allow other’s thoughts, feelings and emotions to occupy your space.

          • Caroline Barnes

            Caroline Barnes In a few sentences there, Mahesh you have explained why self-love and self-esteem are not selfish; they are, in fact, essential.

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