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Spirit of Hitler

In the USA, on September 27, 2016, while on an aircraft between Dayton, Ohio and Charlotte, North Carolina. I was on the last paragraph of the last chapter of a book, when the spirit of Adolf Hitler appeared by my right knee. He was in a very humble attitude and appealed that I should forgive him.


The book I was reading is Inside the Gas Chambers by Shlomo Venezia. It discussed Shlomo’s eight months in the Sonderkommando of Auschwitz concentration camp.


To me, Hitler said:

Please give forgiveness.


I replied:

I cannot forgive you. For forgiveness one has to receive that from the victims and from God. Material nature will have no part of it. That I know. She will be sure to make you face the returns which are due. But the persons, namely the victims, they can if they are able to do so.


He began to think like this:


How is that possible that for everyone who was offended during the war, I am liable? That would be mean endless negative returns, I would have to meet each victim, even the ones who I personally did not inconvenience.


I replied:


Really, how these things are resolved is difficult to comprehend, which is all the more reason why an individual should not commit them. In this case, it is your problem not mine.


After this brief exchange, he departed, disappearing then and there astrally.


A few minutes after, Srila Yogeshwarananda came with Hitler. Yogesh said this to me:

If you release him, he can take a body.


I replied:


I cannot be responsible for his release. He may repeat the behavior if he gets another body. How would he be controlled once he acquired a physical form? Let him get permission from someone else. Or he may wonder as Ashvatthama does as described in the Mahabharata. He found you the way Ashvatthama found Dvaipayana Vyasa. But Vyasa did not save Ashvatthama from the consequences which were to roll out in his future.




After this Hitler left with a sad demeanor, being rejected and feeling despondent. Srila Yogesh for his part, inserted an energy package into the center of my subtle chest below the sternum. He instructed that I should hold it until a solution was found.



I will have to keep it until Srila Yogesh resolves this. But I will make no attempt to open the energy of it. If I did that would be like opening Pandora’s box.

Replies (8)
    • To me, Hitler said:

      Please give forgiveness.


      Quite the sense of entitlement, just as so many of us may have. I would except him to still be being gassed over and over in some bottomless hellhole. But perhaps he has done his time in purgatory; hell is apparently a relative concept as well based on nature's discretion.


      He evidently still possesses some sense of commandeering activities and the mental imbalance he was getting treatment would possibly resurface in the his next appearance. And like many he is likely to at least make an attempt to reestablish himself so to speak.


      Success seems to also magnetize one as a touchstone, in the eyes of all who are in need of satisfying their longing desires.

      • Hell hereafter or purgatory until when, is not always the situation one reaches after departing a body in which one committed anti-social behaviors. This person was wandering around astrally since leaving his last body.


        Sometimes he meets the victims and they assail him but he escapes regularly. His main concern is:

        What is next?

        Where to go?


        What to do?

        • From LinkedIn:



          • Lisa Drago
             Whew! Wow.

          • Mohanakrishnan R

            Mohanakrishnan R I do not know whether this an allusion where the message conveyed is paramount, though most do not beleive in spirits communicating with us. in that case Hitler, concentration camps holocaust are irrelevant in this particular group. If the story is more about "spirits" then also it has nothing to do with either Yoga or meditation IMO!

          • Michael Beloved

            Michael Beloved Is Bhagavad Gita about yoga and meditation??????

            शरीरं यदवाप्नोति
            यच्चाप्युत्क्रामतीश्वरः ।
            गृहीत्वैतानि संयाति
            वायुर्गन्धानिवाशयात् ॥१५.८॥

            śarīraṁ yadavāpnoti
            gṛhītvaitāni saṁyāti
            vāyurgandhānivāśayāt (15.8)

            śarīraṁ — by body; yad — which; avāpnoti — he acquires; yat — which; cāpi — and also; utkrāmatīśvaraḥ = utkrāmati — departs from + īśvaraḥ — master; gṛhītvaitāni = gṛhītvā — taking + etāni — these; saṁyāti — he goes; vāyuḥ — wind; gandhān — perfumes; ivāśayāt = ivā — just as + āśayāt — from source

            Regardless of whichever body that master acquires, or whichever one he departs from, he goes taking these senses along, just as the wind goes with the perfumes from their source. (Bhagavad Gita 15.8)

          • Michael Beloved

            Michael Beloved What is jñānacakṣuṣaḥ?

            उत्क्रामन्तं स्थितं वापि
            भुञ्जानं वा गुणान्वितम् ।
            विमूढा नानुपश्यन्ति
            पश्यन्ति ज्ञानचक्षुषः ॥१५.१०॥

            utkrāmantaṁ sthitaṁ vāpi
            bhuñjānaṁ vā guṇānvitam 
            vimūḍhā nānupaśyanti
            paśyanti jñānacakṣuṣaḥ (15.10)

            utkrāmantaṁ — departing; sthitaṁ — remaining; vāpi = vā — or + api — also; bhuñjānaṁ — exploiting; vā — or; guṇānvitam — under the influence of material nature; vimūḍhā — idiots; nānupaśyanti = na — not + aupaśyanti — they perceived; paśyanti — they perceive; jñānacakṣuṣaḥ — vision of reality

            The idiots do not perceive how the spirit departs or remains or exploits under the influence of material nature. But those who have the vision of reality do perceive this. (Bhagavad Gita 15.10)

          • Mohanakrishnan R

            Mohanakrishnan R No Bhagavad Gita is not about Yoga or meditation. Karma Yoga, Gnana Yoga etc are not "Yoga" as defined by Patanjali. Only the word is common but used in an entirely different sense. Secondly Bhagavad Gita including the passages you have misquoted do not talk about ghosts and spirits. If the Atma or Brahman takes the senses of the Jeeva or its temporary abode, why on earth people do not remember what they were in their previous birth? IMO it should represent the carry over of karma. Once again the second passage quoted has also been strangely interpreted by you. IMO it only means that the Atman appears to take the character of its environs and is an illusion. A white cloth behind a green glass appears to be green though actually it is white.

            None of the Darshanas, Upanishad or Brahmanas are naive enough to talk of ghosts and apparitions. IMO people who think so are propagating their own myth in the name of great philosophies.

          • Michael Beloved

            Michael Beloved It is your opinion only that yoga is not in Bhagavad Gita. Just as it is my opinion that it is in the Gita and that Karma Yoga is Karma + Yoga, with Yoga being the same ashtanga yoga of Patanjali.

            Two determined people cannot agree on anything which is sensitive to either of them. Therefore this is not an attempt to convince you of anything. It is however my explanation of my view on the topic. I do respect your right to your opinion.

            You asked a question, I assume, I give an answer following:
            If the Atma or Brahman takes the senses of the Jeeva or its temporary abode, why on earth people do not remember what they were in their previous birth? 

          • Michael Beloved

            Michael Beloved Reply:
            Before I answer this question, I must ask you to answer a simpler question especially since you are presenting information as an authority. Question for you to answer is:
            Who does the atma or brahman which has sense of Jeeva not remember incidences from the present birth even, like incidences of what happened yesterday or years ago for instance?

            Your statement:
            IMO it should represent the carry over of karma. Once again the second passage quoted has also been strangely interpreted by you. IMO it only means that the Atman appears to take the character of its environs and is an illusion. A white cloth behind a green glass appears to be green though actually it is white.


            Does it follow from this logic the person who wrote this is also an illusion? If so why should I reply to this?

          • Michael Beloved

            Michael Beloved Your Statement:
            None of the Darshanas, Upanishad or Brahmanas are naive enough to talk of ghosts and apparitions. IMO people who think so are propagating their own myth in the name of great philosophies.

            This is as you said your opinion. To me ghost means the subtle casing just as there is a physical casing which you indicated to be illusion but at the same time you contradict yourself because if the subtle and gross casings are all illusions, then you are an illusion and therefore it does not make sense to hold a conversation with an illusion. I hope you agree to this.

            It would also follow from your statement that not just you but even I am an illusion.’ In which case I as a fellow illusion would suggest that you do the sensible thing which would be to ignore my posts. One illusion could respect the other illusion, I am sure you would agree.

          • Mohanakrishnan R

            Mohanakrishnan R As you say two determined people cannot agree on something that is sensitive to both. Then you should have left at that that! Since you continued I am forced to drag on!

            I can interpret the verses of Gita from the perspective of all three schools of Vedanta philosophy and it would suffice to say that none of these interpretations can logically admit ghosts and spirits. Let us come to that later.

            What is this "casing" about? Which philosophy mentions it? Do not bring in mythology here. 

            I will answer the question of illusions shortly.

          • Mohanakrishnan R

            Mohanakrishnan R As per Dvaita Brahman is the boss and each and every entity is a separate Jeeva under the control of the Brahman. Hence Jeeva carries its Karmic effects till the Brahman decides otherwise. It morphs according to Karma.

          • Mohanakrishnan R

            Mohanakrishnan R As per Visisthadvita Jeeva is a single entity meaning that each being is not a separate Jeeva. All jeevas are combinations of matter, life and energy a different proportions and they morph when the proportion changes though the sum total of the elements remains constant. This unchanged whole is Brahman. Jeeva is construed as a part of the Brahman. Neither can exist independently. Parts compensate one another to maintain this equilibrium. Obviously an erring part is compensated by other parts and is in turn affected.

            • Mohanakrishnan R Conceptually Jeevas are real in both Dvaita and Visisthadvaita. But from which Gita or Darshana do ghosts and spirit come from? Arguments about the veracity of different points of view of different schools of Vedanta have been going on for thousands of years without any conclusion as each view is empirical at some point. We will reserrve a different platform to argue these nuances. But Ghosts? "spirt"of Hitler talking to X. Perhaps X was under the influence of some other "spirit"!

            • Mohanakrishnan R

              Mohanakrishnan R Patanjali's yoga has eight parts as per Yoga Sutra? Are there 8 parts of Karma Yoga as per Gita?

            • Mohanakrishnan R

              Mohanakrishnan R As per Advaita jeeva does not exist and is an "illusion" and Brahman alone exists. Then why there are different beings? They are ephemeral and transient views of the Brahman depending on its state. But the internal states do not affect the equilibrium of the Brahman. THUS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF BRAHMAN Jeevas are ephemeral illusions. Yes this ignore the lower down perspective and is defective to that extent.

            • Michael Beloved

              Michael Beloved Chapters two and six specifically describe yoga as explained by Krishna. This is consistent with Patanjali's ashtanga process even though the terminology varies here or there. Karma yoga is yoga plus karma or yoga as ashtanga yoga with its application to karma or cultural (social) activities.

              Advaita jeeva does not exist as you stated as per the explanations of Adi Shankaracharya but I do not accept that philosophy. This is why our discussion cannot go anywhere.

              As stated above you are entitled to your view. I respect that.

            • Michael Beloved

              Michael Beloved I do not attest to Visithadvaita, because the question about the world being based on the mind of Ram does not clarify who Ram is. It does not clear up the various trillions of mind and how they intermesh. It does not clear up why one mind affects millions of mind while another mind who want to rule may not even control itself socially. Besides Ram the student of the text rejected its premises when they were used to convince him to go back as the ruler of Adjodhya.
              One of my gurus, Rishi Singh Gherwal did translate the Visishthadvaita text but along with it he did the Markandeya Samasya (which I recently translated). I accept the premises of Markandeya which were explained about Krishna to Yudhishthira but I never made any sense of the Visishthadvaita. Let us leave the matter there, otherwise we will be arguing forever.
              Two philosophers of different persuasions should meet silently to have lunch together, otherwise if they begin talking they will disagree.

            • Mohanakrishnan R

              Mohanakrishnan R Michael Beloved: Mythology is not the basis for all the three philosophies of Vedanta but the Vedas, Upanishads and the Bhasysas or commentaries of certain Vakyas (Sentences) in them by the three great gurus. I think you are a protagonist of the Bhakti schools of people Sri Vallabha, Prabhupada and ISCON.

              Visisthadvaita does not talk of "trillions" of minds. It talks of Jeeva collectively as Cit, Acit and Iswara contained in different entities in different proportions. When the manifest form terminates Jeeva gets bak to the pool of Cit, Acit and Ishwara which are inter convertible. Hence there is no question of Jeeva being the same as Brahman. Nobody can see any sense in logical propositions they see through the lenses of their own faith! Visisthadvaita conceptualizes that Jeeva is mutable part of immutable Brahman. Jeeva is also as eternal as Brahman. Unlike in Advaita different beings are not manifestations of Brahman but of Jeeva,

            • Mohanakrishnan R

              Mohanakrishnan R But the central point I am making is that NONE OF THESE PHILOSOPHIES CATER TO CONCEPTS LIKE GHOSTS AND SPIRITS.

            • Michael Beloved

              Michael Beloved Mohanakrishnan, You are not making any points to me but anyone else who feels that your words make sense may follow you. I would suggest however that you make posts about your ideas instead of bantering back and forth as you are doing with my post.

              Initiate posts on your own and let people decide for themselves if they are interested in what you are saying. If you think that my posts are not yoga related, then complain to the owner/moderators of the group and let them take action to cease my publications. You have every right to do this. Otherwise heed my suggestion to let us agree to disagree about what is yoga and what is not yoga.

            • Mohanakrishnan R

              Mohanakrishnan R This is a public forum were everybody has the right to participate. If you want to participate your own version of apartheid seek the privilege from Linked in. ANyway I do not think I have anything to learn from a person of your level of intolerance who cannot answer simple and direct questions!

            • Angela Fernandes

              Angela Fernandes Micheal your post are always enlightening to me when I have read them it's helpful Thank you!

            • Karl Naidu

              Karl Naidu Micheal, Always enjoy reading your posts....thanks for sharing!

            • Surendra and Dennis,


              I had another encounter with the spirit of Hitler. I was reading the book “KL” by Nikolaus Wachsmann. I was reading about how the early concentration camps were formed. At the time it was the communists who were the targets primarily, not the Jews.


              As I was reading about how the SA and SS men were treating those who were arrested as communists, I sensed the presence of Adolf again, just next to me but this time he was in an astral body which was like of a ten year old boy.


              He said to me, “See. The fault is not all mine. Others were involved. In 1933, I was not in full command and could not have served as the motivation for all those horrible deeds. I should not have to carry the consequences for all of that.”


              I then said to him. “Shut up you idiot. One more word out of your mouth and I will kick the living shit out of you. Srila Yogeshwarananda put you with your miserable karmic package near to me but that does not mean you can express yourself to me as you will. Just shut up.


              “You are reading this book as I read it by getting the impressions out of my mind but that is as far as you may go. Just be silent from now on, you rotten egg.”


              After this he kept silent all the while. It is interesting that his subtle body assumed the shape of a juvenile human because to take rebirth one has to assume the mentality of a child, otherwise one’s lifeforce energy cannot adapt to becoming an embryo.



              What hell it might be for any two persons who has to parent a global criminal?

              • Well, what do you know... Some folks just never learn, lol. Made my day!

                  • Lisa Calhoun-Walker This speaks to my soul as I read Ken Wilber's Integral spirituality...#timely #synchronicity

                  • Dr. Surendra Nundoo

                    Dr. Surendra Nundoo Namaste Michael .
                    A negative Karma teaching thought : Hitler's soul lament revolves around the theme ; I have been doing good for so many lives ..... why no positive karma ?

                  • Dr. Surendra Nundoo

                    Dr. Surendra Nundoo Massive Genocide and Afterlife dimension .? 
                    Karmic lessons can last n times life on earth !
                    Finally I loved this post !

                  • DENNIS PELON

                    DENNIS PELON Michael, You are such a deep thinker and vanguard for justice that I admire. You may be more current and "present " were you to tackle ISIS the religious and more pernicious version of the same root evil as the Nazi's and Hitler. These individuals seek to subjugate others with their religious doctrine, rape others to show their dominance and behead those who would object. ISIS is like the Nazis on steroids. I don't think current generations relate to the Nazis that well but might best become acquainted with the

                  • Michael Beloved

                    Michael Beloved Surendra and Dennis,

                    I had another encounter with the spirit of Hitler. I was reading the book “KL” by Nikolaus Wachsmann. I was reading about how the early concentration camps were formed. At the time it was the communists who were the targets primarily, not the Jews.

                    As I was reading about how the SA and SS men were treating those who were arrested as communists, I sensed the presence of Adolf again, just next to me but this time he was in an astral body which was like of a ten year old boy.

                    He said to me, “See. The fault is not all mine. Others were involved. In 1933, I was not in full command and could not have served as the motivation for all those horrible deeds. I should not have to carry the consequences for all of that.”

                  • Michael Beloved

                    Michael Beloved I then said to him. “Shut up you idiot. One more word out of your mouth and I will kick the living shit out of you. Srila Yogeshwarananda put you with your miserable karmic package near to me but that does not mean you can express yourself to me as you will. Just shut up.

                    “You are reading this book as I read it by getting the impressions out of my mind but that is as far as you may go. Just be silent from now on, you rotten egg.”

                    After this he kept silent all the while. It is interesting that his subtle body assumed the shape of a juvenile human because to take rebirth one has to assume the mentality of a child, otherwise one’s lifeforce energy cannot adapt to becoming an embryo.

                    What hell it might be for any two persons who has to parent a global criminal?

                  • Hari Nam Singh

                    Hari Nam Singh How are yo sure he is not already on the planet?

                  • Michael Beloved

                    Michael Beloved Hari Nam Singh 

                    The subtle body has a certain feel to it when it does not have an accompanying physical form. This is intuitional of course which means it is a subjective understanding. An example of that is like if a teenager tries to buy cigarettes and the clerk by looking at the person’s face and other factors suspects that the person is not an adult. In most cases the clerk will be correct because of things like lack of facial hair or hair-stubs in the case of males, lack of facial maturity and age lines in the case of females. But just the general demeanor is an indication. None of this is scientific and yet it works most of the time. Intuition is like that but it is important for the yogi to check his intuition time and time again to see if it is reliable and also to fine tune it by deeper meditation practice.

                  • Michael Beloved

                    Michael Beloved The real question is:
                    Has a certain person who is departed developed the attitude of becoming someone’s infant. In other words, has that person lost the adult demeanor which it developed in the past life after reaching sexual maturity? One cannot become an embryo unless one develops a child’s demeanor hereafter because one has to fit into the accommodating energy (nurturing force) of the potential parents. That is a psychological matching system. The person in question has not reached the stage of having that demeanor due to running here and there avoiding his enemies and those whom he or his agents victimized. 

                  • Michael Beloved

                    Michael Beloved He also has a repulsive vibration where most would-be parents sense that he is not someone who could be loved as a dependent or relative because of his abhorrent activities. He also has in his mind, energy for not finishing what he wanted to do and for displeasing the population which followed him because his plans failed them. Some of these issues have to be resolved before he can be positioned emotionally to be an infant.



                    • Michael Beloved In a sense he is still on the planet. He is an earthbound soul, most of us are, which means that even in the deceased condition, we remain with the earth’s atmosphere but on the subtle side of it. Our astral forms do not have the power to leave the earth’s atmosphere. Many people who do astral projection do so from one subtle earthly place to another, they do not go into outer space and only reach astral dimensions which are near in vibration to the physical earth. Death of the physical body does not necessarily release an individual from being earth-bound.

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