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South Korean baby crisis!

My American friend was saying that back in the day around 1930-50s, US was majorly an agrarian economy. So, people used to have 7-8 kids, so it essentially means more the kids, more the free labor to work in their own farms.

The cost of raising them and the economy was supporting each other in the loop. Now in an modern society, the design of economy is all about productivity and the childbirth is seen has an hindrance to it. So, obviously child birth in developed country is taking a hit, as the parents might be left out in this manufactured rat race for survival. 

South Korea approach of $770 month is very unidimensional, the parent might be earning around several times higher in that 1 year, there needs to be more all round approach. 

CNN: South Korea spent $200 billion, but it can't pay people enough to have a baby.


Replies (3)
    • Making and nurturing babies is nature's idea. Humans may be wondering what is in it for them.

      • Profound! 

        So, humans have to change their self centered mindset to be in harmony with nature's idea of nurturing babies?

        • It is a matter of pure selfishness on the part of each entity in each life form, the human included. But nature's upper hand must be figured in otherwise one will not really be acting in one's best interest.

          It is not a religion. It is sheer cold calculation about what is the best course now to benefit later in nature's newly set-up situations.

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