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Siddhas and Siddhis

Replies (2)
    • Some people claim that they can 'Siddh' the astral entities and yoginies, using some Pooja and mantras (secret methods). After getting the successful siddhi they can get whatever they want according to powers of apsras and yohinies. What is your experience or opinion?
      • Those who claim that they can siddh or supernaturally influence astral entities and yoginis, even influence deities like Shiva and Kali, are saying untruthful declarations because if one can influence such persons then why not use that same influence energy to get what one desires directly from nature.


        Why not get a mango directly if I have a special power to get that instead of pressuring a deity for that?


        It is not truth that Pooja ceremonial rites and chanting of Vedic sounds can influence anyone because at the present time there is no evidence in India, that mantras are making India any better for anyone, even for yogis. Progressively things deteriorated except for the study of computer and technological science where Indians excel at that and either migrate to developed countries and do well financially or remain in India and begin successful companies.


        To associate with apsaras heavenly women and the yoginis who still have material bodies or who only have subtle ones, a yogi has to increase his yoga austerities. He does not need to strive for siddhis. If he completes the austerities for self-realization, siddhis will arise as he progresses. He will see or perceive on higher levels as he progresses up and up and up. If there are heavenly people (male or female) in the higher dimensions he shifts into, he may see those beings and can relate to them. There will be no need to bring supernormal powers into the physical level. These abilities should be used in the dimensions where they are natural, not otherwise.


        Consider this. A monkey can move quickly on all-fours, using its four limbs. That may be regarded as a siddhi or special ability. A human being can move quickly on two feet. That also may be considered a siddhi. Now what would happen if a human being changes from two feet to using four limbs like a monkey?


        The point is that each state is an advantage and it is not sensible to use a particular state when one is in a particular type of environment. Four limbs as a means of transport may not be advantageous if one is on a paved road or clear path, but it would be an asset or siddhi if one was in a dense road-less jungle environment.



        In regards to meeting yoginis or apsaras on the astral planes, and doing so because of developing siddhis. That happens but there is a misunderstanding because first of all one has to reach the plane of existence of those astral beings before one can sense that one has the particular siddhi. This means that it is not the siddhi that is the issue but rather the method used which causes one to shift upwards to that level.


        As soon as a yogi shifts upwards he has to deal with the reality on the level to which he shifted. He must deal with all aspects of it including sexual ones and he is responsible for whatever happens.


        The method is to hawk about the sexual ones but in many cases that is not the most crucial issue. If the yogi is exposed to a higher dimension or a subtle world where he finds himself to be engaged sexually with angelic women, then the situation should cause an interrogation into what austerities he committed which caused the shift to those places, as well as to why he was put in touch with those beings. This is something to research which would provide valuable insight.




        Those who are thinking of gaining siddhis so as to get favors or awards from supernatural beings are not yogis in the strict sense. These persons are power seekers. The Puranas indicated these as being asuras or people who are ill motivated and who do not act for the welfare of anyone in particular.


        Siddhis cannot be avoided but striving for them directly is distracting to a yogi. Those who must do so as part of their evolutionary course, will do so regardless of what anybody says. However those who do not strive for siddhis but who complete yoga austerities as per the Yoga Sutras will develop siddhis regardless of whether these ascetics likes siddhis or not. For these people siddhis are useful in that it allows insight into higher planes of consciousness and helps to pilot the yogi to higher stages.

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