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Shorten the Rays

Shorten the Rays

This is a kriya shared by Paramhamsa Yogananda. Once on September 23, 2021, when doing a session of breath infusion with this yogi, he mentioned that yogis should practice shortening the rays of interest which emanate from the coreSelf.

His idea is that instead of the coreSelf beaming energy outwards spontaneously, it should restrict its interest energy so that when its radiance is expressed it does not course outwards through the psyche. Instead, the rays or radiance are so short that they do not reach even the intellect in the head of the subtle body.

When the interest rays are so short that they do not reach the intellect, those rays do not trigger activity in the intellect. No memories arise. No imagination occurs. No thinking constructions appear.

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Replies (1)
    • Excellent technique, new aspect in controlling the sense of identity.

      Direction and Length of Sense of Identity

      Controlling Sense of identity directional wise (Rather than going to intellect, we direct it to Naad)

       Here, Controlling the Sense of identity lengthwise

      So it does not even reach intellect if one cant redirect it to naad.

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