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Shining Face Yogi

I met a yogi on the astral planes. He was long passed away over one hundred years but he did not assume an embryo. After being unable to assume himself as his last body, he delved into a high samadhi state, where his subtle body remained immobile, with the senses and adjuncts turned inward intently.

Due to this action, his subtle body progressively shrunk and became reduced to a round shape of about ten inches in diameter. After being as that round shape for some years, that total psyche appeared as a shining face. He was in a moonlight samadhi bliss state in which there were continuous waves of icy twinkle bliss. He smiles at every moment and cannot cease this because it is an involuntary state of consciousness.

He became aware of my meditation practice because I was posted to an astral place which Babaji occupied and which I assumed as a substitute lineage teacher. This is what he appears as.

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Replies (6)
    • 10 inch subtle body with only face remaining!!

      Can it be inferred that he has removed the need for physical body again from his psyche?

      Has he entered siddhaloka levels?

      • Aniroodh Sivaraman

        The only thing he did to attain this was stated:

        • a high samadhi state, where his subtle body remained immobile, with the senses and adjuncts turned inward intently

        He did not plan this. It just happened to be the outcome of his samadhi practice. He resurfaced from that to a chit akash dimension where the subtle body is only a face type format with no limbs and trunk.

        This may be compared to the hatching of eggs, where because of the heat from the hen’s body, after some days, the eggs go on developing and then are hatched by a natural process which was not planned by the hen or the chicks.

        In that state one does not think as we do. The psyche experiences only a moonlight samadhi bliss state. There was a tendency in his psyche to check with Babaji and that is why he saw me. But he had no other interest in anything on this side of existence.

        It is important to understand that one may do the same samadhi and not get the result which he attained. This too can be understood by the example of the hen and chicks, where some of the eggs do not develop, while some developed partially, and some others developed fully but with defects.

        One yogi is successful with a process given by a guru. Another yogi using the same method gets no result. He leaves and becomes a disbeliever. Then another yogi decides to meditate a bit longer and he becomes successful.

        • Thanks for answering!

          Is there a chance for him to relocate to this side of existence from his current location in chitakash?

          In other words, is it a

          • temporary station or
          • a permanent station or
          • substantially long temporary station until being displaced automatically to lower dimensions?
          • Aniroodh Sivaraman

            Right now, there is a slight possibility that he may return to this side of existence but it would not be to take a physical embryo, only for him to be in a place like Brahmaloka where the creatorGod resides.

            His psyche has no interest energy in it for rebirth in a physical dimension. The only interest it has, is to be with advanced yoga teachers, and even that is being reduced from moment to moment.

            He is in a place where there are others who achieved the same trance absorption. Some are there because they were never attracted to the physical situations or the subtle world. They also never were in any other transcendental place even.

            Some yogis are like rockets which blast off from the earth, but then after sixty seconds, the fuel burns out, or some other unfavorable incidence occurs, and the rocket falls back to the earth.

            Some other yogis reach high in the atmosphere but their fuel burns out before the rocket reached beyond the earth’s gravity. These go for a while, and then they are drawn back to the earth. Some crash and burn. Others use large parachutes and come down without a crash.

            And yet some other yogis, like this one, are propelled beyond the earth’s pulling gravity. These reach outerspace and remain there or may go elsewhere if they have the appropriate means.

          • Great! 

            The entity has hit the yogic escape velocity! 

            One way journey!

            No round-trip!!

            • Thanks for sharing! For me, the most important line is, “He did not plan this…” Sounds like he practiced sincerely without expectations. Love it!

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