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Self-Obsession ~ The Living and The Dead

Dealing with those who are departed is one hassle. Dealing with those who live is yet another. And there is more: Some complications involve the living and the dead, where the living may enlist the assistance of the dead to pressure a yogi, or the dead may form an alliance with the living to influence a yogi to commit actions which are not in his interest.


If a horse is effectively corralled, it cannot roam freely. Even if the horse realized that it is penned, still that understanding does not comprise a practical method of freedom. Knowing that one is restricted does not necessarily mean that one can remove the fencing.


If a horse is bridled, it may assumed that the bridle is part of its body. Feeling that way, it may never think of getting the controlling contraption removed. Yet, if another animal is bridled and it knows for sure that the bit is not part of its mouth, that does not mean that the animal can remove the restraining metal.


Each of us carries tendencies from many past lives, even lives which were other than human. These tendencies are psychic repositories which might be termed as the conscious, subconscious and unconscious compartments of the psyche. There is this idea that the atma individual self transcends these repositories. What does that mean? It may be said that the horse transcends the harness which is attached to it. Further it follows that if the horse forgets the harness, then it could forget the loaded wagon which the harness pulls. But does this realization really free the animal?


Is a free-ranging horse the same as one which is harnessed and which realizes that it is different to the harness and to the loaded wagon which the harness pulls? Is freedom a mental state based on imagination of something which one would prefer to have?




The individual self, atma, which carries with itself tendencies which require fulfillment in the material world, struggles with others individual selves and with the physical and psychic resources to manifest desires to its satisfaction. Some of this causes wholesale cruelty. These selves use human and other life forms.


Recently in the astral existence, several relatives of my current body conspired to make me do certain things which to my view are not in my interest. Some of these people are dearly departed. Some use physical forms currently.


Some were in this family in the most recent past life but some were not. Without considering their past life backgrounds, they engaged in a conjoint force energy (influence) to cause me to change my lifestyle so that I would be in line with their desires for what I should do with my time.



You can imagine that currently my body is sixty plus years with just a few years remaining for it, if any, and these persons think that I should spend the rest of my time supplying services to boost their social status and related needs. These desires are based on tendencies which travel with their individual selves as they move from one body to the next fulfilling newly-generated and ancient desires. Is this my purpose in life?

Replies (1)

      • Derrick Reither

        Derrick Reither Hi Lukas,
        It sounds to me that you have found your 'true self' in amongst the thoughts and feelings you had previously generated as 'the ignorant horse'.
        Attaining an awareness of the difference between your true self and your personal ego is essential in freeing your Soul Awareness from the 'merry go round' of this material world, and the thoughts that bind you to it!
        I wish you much loving inspiration on your future inner journey.

      • Muz Murray

        Muz Murray The whole purpose of being 'here' (Lisa) is to align your self-awareness with the Self (the Absolute) or 'Godness' underlying the universe. Isn't that interesting enough? :)

      • Priscilla Estes, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, IKYTA

        Priscilla Estes, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, IKYTA "But does this realization really free the animal?" good question. Whether you believe in past lives or not (and who really knows?), we do carry generational patterns in our genomes. So basically, we carry the past lives of all our ancestors.

      • Caroline Barnes

        Caroline Barnes Lisa:Sometimes I try to will my soul to leave my body - but I don't know much about such techniques. I must have more work to do in this world. Sigh.... 

        Lukas: The purpose in life my good friend is to live a life. A life that has meaning for you ONLY. 

        This is good advice from Lukas, Lisa which is relevant to your situation. The problem is that as long as you resist being in this life you will keep experiencing just that, resistance to life. There is no happiness or peace to found in such a stance. If you wish to go deeper and peel back a layer you will find that underlying this resistance is arrogance, the feeling that you should not have to engage with life at this level in a physical body, that this is not what you should have to be spending your energy on, that you should be past this stage already. I have seen this in people before and I used to have it to some degree myself which is why I recognise it. I am not judging you Lisa, just trying to throw some light into this dark

      • Caroline Barnes

        Caroline Barnes just trying to throw some light into this dark corner that you seem to find yourself in.

      • Lisa Drago

        Lisa Drago Dear Caroline, I understand you are trying to be helpful, but I would appreciate if you avoid presuming to know what is going on with me. Thanks! Love you!

      • Yingxing Wang

        Yingxing Wang Though there are restrictions, liberation comes from within, if you are willing to let go. Resting in the pristine awareness.

      • Corriann Schafer

        Corriann Schafer interesting...

      • Connie Mansueto

        Connie Mansueto Out of interest there’s a book by psychic Edgar Cayce called ‘Remembering Your Past Lives’ or something like that, and it gives good techniques for recalling them. I ended up dying on a train in Poland headed for the gas chambers, it was an interesting experience but I didn’t feel motivated to go further, for me comining into the present moment to release the past--whatever it is--works best and is most healing.

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