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Scaramucci Prediction

Replies (1)
    • I almost didn't, but then I got tempted for a diatribe.

      Anyways Scaramucci must not be good at predictions.Or he wouldn't have gone as far as enlisting into the WH to assist Trump spread his maleficence.

      Those who predicted that he would be elected are politically savvy or simply lucked out because he as obviously helped by Putin, so there was trickery. Still, they could be listened to as to what may come next.

      Whining about his wife being bullied by Trump? Please, you don't get to deny the obvious and then ask for sympathy; "lay with dogs, get up with fleas". She mustn't be attractive enough to him, because he likes to grab those pretty ones directly by the ... (the man's own words).

      Scaramucci gets credit for jumping ship early, but actually he was kicked out, a big difference. The real heroes are the whistleblowers, and the ones coming out of the woodworks to testify, endangering their long tenure careers in government serving the American people, the constitution and the values of democracy (in the eyes of USA) and even their safety.

      The Republican party is waiting to be wrecked by agent orange, with the same wrecking ball is has taken systematically and pervasively taken to everything else he comes in contact with. They don't get any sympathy as I see it. After institutions that were so diligently put together upon decades of sophisticated endeavors, it is was so easy to crazily mess it all up, and stand by cowardly or covering up for it all. 

      And, in the process of tearing up the fabric of a delicate society, families and communities have turned at each other, the world got on edge, 1000's of ISIS fighters got free of jail card and explicitly told to invade Europe, 100's of innocents Kurds betrayed in perfidy and brazenly left to be slaughtered, the new vulnerable Ukraine leader exploited in an illegal and again open attempt to cheat the people, and in tandem, again, most decent institutions national institutions turned upside down and, the international ones of advanced compromised... They need our compassion, and will all need a very long healing. Mooch can shut up! 

      All these other GOP representatives feigning impotence, when not enabling will also need to shut it. They blatantly and flagrantly looked these ignobilities straight in the eyes and pretended on and on until they can't back out away from them any longer. Hardly a case for compassion, rather I only foresee accusations from generations coming their way. 


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