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Sambandha / relationship with a deity

Sambandha / relationship with a deity

my proposal is that everything is reduced to sambandha or relationship with a deity

all other factors are totally irrelevant


in any energy or brahman where the iSelf is not evident it is worthless because it cannot be involved there anyway


only when it can be involved with other purushas does it have any meaning


selves as nothing or selves converted to nothing have no value


value begins with sambandha


Replies (1)
    • This also makes inSelf Yoga relatively safe. In the end they aim for the relationship (sambandha) versus ending without one.

      There can hardly be two forms of energies without any type of relationship between them, this all the to the Supreme God.

      Between all is one, and one is everything, there is also a relationship, one that the practitioner may or may not see.

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