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Resentment Energy and Yogis/Yoginis

People hardly talk about resentment in yoga ashrams or in the life of yogis who live singly or live in the world amidst the hustle and bustle. It is assumed that resentment has no place in the life of people who are serious about a spiritual path. However that assumption is not fact. The reality is that an ascetic must deal with resentments and complications of destiny which assail as one practices the spiritual path.


Resentment cannot be eliminated. It is not possible to remove it from this creation. Like other undesirable aspects of life, it is here to stay. Even if the ascetic is perfect in every way, and that is hardly likely, still he or she, will in physical and psychic association with others, become the target of resentments for real or imagined social offenses to others.


Over the year teaching and writing books about yoga, I had the opportunity to be the target of resentment. Some of it was veiled or inverted but its effect in the psyche is always negative.  Mostly resentments which come to me find others to victimize. This is because of my consistent yoga practice, which buffer resentment assaults. The energy however possesses others. If they are not resistant enough, it tampers with their destiny to reduce their association with me, even if such reduction causes them to lose the foothold on spiritual life.


I know of several expressions of resentment towards me which victimized other persons and kept those aspiring yogis/yoginis from advancing for a time. Depending on its power, a resentment may endure for days, weeks, months or years. When the force of its power was spent the victims are released from it. They may continue the spiritual progress as soon as it is lifted.


Once when a person resented me and could not effectively target negative energy towards me, that person turned to other people whom I knew, people who had some confidence in me. The resentful person inject3d that energy into those others persons which causes those persons to condemn me and then shut down association with me.


This transpired for about two years. Then suddenly when the resentment energy was spent, when it loses its potency, those persons sent me messages about reconnecting with me. Suddenly those persons were again friendly just as if nothing negative affected the relationship previously.


The interesting thing about this is that the spiritual progress of these persons was retarded for that two year period because the negative energy had that effect in their psyches. The person who targeted those victims got fulfilment and satisfaction from the negative injection of energy but had interest in little besides that.



Question is: Why does nature operate in this way, where someone may become a target for injection of negative energy randomly or incidentally by someone who has limited insight into how resentment is processed in the psyche?

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      • Ajit Kumar Das Resentment of yogi or yoginis most powerful. So care should be taken. I have felt so.

      • Ajit Kumar Das

        Ajit Kumar Das Stupidity of yogi may effect others without reasons. So yoga practice is cleverly described for clevers only. Sometimes shrewd took its chance and misuse.

      • 13 HANDS aka DALIEN

        13 HANDS aka DALIEN The short reply is: 
        Every single one of us regardless of where we are on our spiritual path or path of personal growth is constantly bringing up and triggering various "Mommy and Daddy" issues in each other...emotional needs that weren't met..... start there..... the rest will be in my book, or my new yoga video shot only from my knee caps down!!! and/or my super amazing trademarked workshop on yoga and taking 4 Mucho Grande spiritual dumps a day.... and lets not forget my new GAIAM Yoga Home Colonics kit and yoga mat combo package for $24.99! :)

      • Marianne Baum

        Marianne Baum Thank you for sharing this, it sure shines a light on the matter of resentment but like with anger , resentment is the worst for those who are experiencing it. True yoginis and yogis recognize it for what it is and CB start the process of alchemizing the energy into a more positive one

      • Melanie Ivory

        Melanie Ivory Thank you for posting. I agree that resentment and anger is a shadow that we all encounter. I am wondering what was the realisation for you? During this time, was there a letting go, of others approval, needing to be loved, and once that energy lost its power, did that affect the change you saw in others towards you? I am wondering if in some way this has helped you on your path? I am talking of the specific story above... In love and light.

      • Susan Hirst

        Susan Hirst I had something similar but different happen to me recently in a direct conversation with a student who I'd become friends with, she is older than me so thought it not a problem to have a friendship. I used EFT to help ease myself out of the jarring impact and feel lighter now. Namaste. Interesting discussion!

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