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Resentment and Yoga

Resentment and its allied energies are essential to someone’s existence. It arises involuntary but it can be deliberately invoked or nurtured by somebody. Why does it have such force?

It is within the psyche and may be there in a concentrated or diluted form. It may transform into anger, bitterness, hatred, repulsion. When it surfaces in the being, it increases in potency by drawing related or unrelated memories which would reinforce its poisonous potency.

It is satisfying when it is released to the object of focus which can be another person or even the same person in cases of self-hatred. It is cherished and nurtured so that when there is an opportunity in the future, it can be released so that it kills or cripples the opponent, even if the target is incorrectly identified.

We learned from stinging insects, from scorpions and wasps, that their bodies hoard poisonous liquids which are used to aid their digestive process. When a scorpion stings, the venom also acts as a digestive solvent, to break down the molecules of the body of the victim, whereby the poison dissolves the victim’s body which the scorpion may eat or may leave aside. From one view, the sting of the scorpion is for aiding in making the victim’s body digestive but from the victim’s perspective, that venom is a painful deadly poison.

Is resentment such a poison but a psychic chemical which is infused into the psyche of the opponent?

Over the years, teaching yoga, one value which is examined repeatedly is the one of resentment which someone has for someone else. This is a recurring incidence. I am compelled to write about it.

Recently in a conversation someone brought to my attention an incidence which was disliked but which that person hoarded in the psyche. It seems that if someone has a memory which invokes resentment, time and again, that person would as a matter of self-love, free itself from those painful memories. But that is not what naturally happened in this case. Instead of releasing from the resentment, that person hoarded it and even focused to concentrate it. That psychic poison gets more potent as the years went by.

Why does this happen?

Why not release the self, from something in the self, which causes pain to the self, if it is remembered. Why recall the incidence and nourish it to strengthen it where it burns the self even?

Supposes a scorpion finds another insect which it hates. Taking the God-sent opportunity, this scorpion happily and excitedly, stung that insect. After this, the scorpion went away. It noticed that its poison sac was empty and would be required to be refilled before it can effectively attack another victim.

This scorpion goes away but eventually by fate, it again wanders into the area of the victim. It sees the victim. It instantly develops hatred again, and for no reason, as it was not attacked by crippled victim, which could not move after the first attack, the scorpion rushes forward and remembering the first strike, it strikes again.

At this stage the already-paralyzed insect, feels the second infusion of poison which causes more painful feelings.

But supposed on the following day when the victim was still alive, that scorpion returned to the area and stung the victim again.

Why did the scorpion not ignore the victim after the first strike? Nothing was gained by the second, third and fourth attack, because the first one was so effective that it fatally crippled the victim.

Replies (1)
    • Interesting research.

      I can relate to it.

      Resentment: Psychic poison injected into Opponents psyche.

      How to free oneself from poison hoarding and injecting tendency and also defending from being stuck by resentment stings from opponent.

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