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Rebirth Pressure Point

Even though it appears that sexual pleasure is the highlight of physical existence, on close inspection, one will find that the actual highlight is the rebirth tube. That is a passage, a psychic passage which runs from its entry vortex to its next potential entry vortex, such that on and on, as soon as a coreSelf successfully goes through the entry, it seeks to be flushed down the passage to the next entry.

Stated simply, once a coreSelf acquires a successfully opportunity for an embryo, that self will expect to go on the tour through the successful birthing of the embryo, to the development of the body through infancy and youth, then to adulthood and senior years, only to again seek a new entry vortex.

The self does not have a choice in this system. It is irresistibly attracted to this loop just as electrons in a wire are compelled to move when they are subjected to the influence of a magnet in an armature.

There is so much hype about the greatness of a coreSelf. Most of this conversation is such bragging that it is not worth the consideration. It is best to carefully study the rebirth loop and come to understand one’s relative position to the attraction force of rebirth.

This life can be reduced to the loop of one rebirth after another. It is so captivating. If one is attracted to another person sexually, that may seem to be a powerful impetus for a relationship but an increase in electricity in a certain part of a circuit, does not mean that another component will not appear to be the most attractive factor at a later time.

It depends on where one is in the rebirth loop, as to who one will be attracted to, based on what one requires at that time, or on what force in the loop one is near to, and what opportunity one is compelled to indulge in at that time.

There are also compelling forces which are other than the main entry, which come from the environment. Through out the travel from one birthed body to another, one is pulled by the sexual transit energy, but other forces operate just the same, so that one seeks and relies on other relationships with other persons at other times, with the sexual transit energy being superimposed or reduced.

Rebirth! Rebirth! Rebirth!

It is the force for compulsion. It is greater than the sexual pleasure energy. It is the danger.

💓 1
Replies (1)
    • A great and simple layout of the complexities that are at the “core” of life/living and its inherent purpose. As they say, nothing is worth this life or living, presumably aside from the abnormal extreme instances of suicide.Which may actually entrench a coreSelf further and deeper into to the aforementioned complexities than refute or elope them.

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