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Ramana Maharshi: Who am I?

If it is flipped it becomes enigmatic as: I am who?

The question which recurs and which he brought to humanity’s attention was: Who am I?



Then the burden of proof is on the source of the “I.”


On March 4 2019, I had an encounter with Ramana Maharshi who is departed (1950). I reached a level of consciousness where he resides at this time. When I first became aware of that existential niche and the great philosopher ascetic, it was like being in cool light with someone whose form is of the same pure light such that it could not be distinguished easily because it lacked denseness and solidity.


He wanted to discuss his teachings especially the aspect of identity of the self. He smiled brightly. He said this:

“Memory. Patanjali list it as unwanted. What I say is this. Set it off in a corner of the psyche somewhere, anywhere, who cares? Just set it off, leave it there, but do not communicate with it. Do not allow any interest in it. Then after a time, it will be silent like an egg which the hen abandoned. The egg gets no heat from the hen’s body, hence it cannot develop. Hence there will be no beak within the shell which can pierce it for exit. Nothing will ever come from it. Just leave it there.


“Once that is achieved, tell them that they should self-internalize. This means that in the mind space, a self is found, shining, flawless and neutral. Let that turn in on itself. But be careful. Pay attention to what Patanjali listed as the other interferences. He gave four more besides memory. The yogi should know how to immobilize those four. Then only can he realize what self is. But memory, yes, get that quieted. It is necessary. Then there may be the change to experience what I spoke of.


“I was part of the earth’s history for a time but the world continues without me. I am not necessary. Why not make a bid for this. If the yogi is dispensable, why should he not escape and look into this? Tell them that!”

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