Pranayama practice – May 7th 2024
Excellent session. Breathe infusion was very thorough.
As I write these notes, I can still feel the cool/chilly bliss energy surging up the spinal area from the lower chakra into the back of the neck up into the rear of the head.
Three-quarters of the way into the session, I could feel cool almost chilly-like energy surging upwards from the anal area up the spine which got more intense as I continued breath infusion.
The internal focus was on point as there were no mental images/distractions in the front of the head.
Suddenly, the energy around me shifted, it dawned on me that this was the 1st time I arrived at this location.
I was confident that I had reached the level where a Deity was present. The energy of this location was very comfortable as if other yogis were present nearby. I heard a voice say, “There are no mantras needed here”
The Mind was already in a samaya state before infusion was completed so I could sit effortlessly and meditate focusing on relocating the core self down to the lower chakra where I sat in complete silence with no mantras repeating.
Om Namah Shiyava.
- · Michael Beloved
- ·
One of the best diagrams ever.
It is a fact that at a certain level, the mantras are not used. One does not recall them nor make an effort to say them.
Mantras have high value before reaching a transcendence plane, then they lose their importance.
The surging energy up the spine may be experienced as a body, where the regular physical body and/or subtle body disappears completely.