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Practice Compare: Sexual Cultivation vs Psychic Purification

A systematic comparative analysis between the Taoist Mantak Chia's method of Male Sexual Energy Cultivation and Michael Beloved inSelf Yoga's practice of Psychic Purification. 

Attached to this post is the detailed article:"Sexual Energy Cultivation or Psychic Energy Purification"


Also, please find the right below the links to the books mentioned in the article:

Masturbation Psychic Details & Sex You!

Replies (3)
    • Great analysis of the two systems. In addition there are other lineages of taoist sexual practices which render in an entirely different way. Each system should be reviewed in its own right with no mixing and confusing. It is only necessary to understand the procedures and objectives, then one can decide which is suitable to adopt.

      • An Edit/ Addition on 01/20/2020 to the initial post.

        *Health Considerations of male sexual energy conservation

                 Males with spiritual inclination are the most likely ones to adhere to concepts and ideologies of seminal retention. It is a superficial approach to spiritual emancipation, and that stems from important social considerations particularly from a moralistic and religious standpoint. This limited and narrow approach although validating to the self-esteem isn’t ultimately sustainable over time.

                 So long as there is lack of insight and recognition as to the need and origin of sex, sexuality as well as sexual performance along with its orchestration, the results seemingly gained from seminal retention are ephemeral and rather trite. And though the motivations are overwhelmingly for improved health, stamina and pleasure there are possible downfalls of such practices.

                 Nowadays, there are some who through the internet who are subscribing to the “no-fap” an avoidance of pornography and masturbation. But there are significantly more who practice variations “edging” approaching climax then delaying or abstaining from completion, in order to heighten the reception to pleasure, and take advantage of the benefits of lack of seminal loss through emission. A gross imitation of the Taoist Sex Energy Cultivation. Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming presence and use of pornography as well as regular exposures within a sexually toned modern society, excessive pleasuring is more or less the norm.

                 The pressures exercised on the reproductive organs are misguidedly and irresponsibly liable for creating different health complications in some cases, as different types of traumas may be created. It can be the case that some may feel heavy dull lower backaches or even ejaculatory complications. But to watch out for particularly are ramifications concerning the very health of the prostate gland, a generally delicate and misunderstood organ.

        Difficulties in the prostate gland over time can include chronic non-bacterial prostatitis whereby it becomes inflamed and gives symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection. For those experiencing such problems, it is important to seek out proper prostatic care, albeit with the help of medical advice and consultation.

                 In these ways, nature is tacitly indicating a miscalculation on the part of the practitioner and a need for reconsideration or correction. Of course, these situations will depend on individual situations and karmas. It is noteworthy, however, that in an interview on London Real, June 1st, 2017, Brian Rose asked Mantak Chia within the last couple of minutes from the end, how long he has gone without emission and the answer was one month. As a media interviewer, Brian has no need to be complaisant or overwise discreet towards Master Chia, so it may be a unique situation where he reveals this information.

                 It can be hoped that such information from a renowned and followed practitioner is included in his writings and that beginners are well informed and fully aware of the possible implications along with the adequate perspectives.

        • great information

          breaks the mystique of it

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