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Plane of Non-Perception

I searched for someone who is deceased. Recently I did not see that person and checked to see where that person was. I have an obligation to assist this person in figuring the perplexities of life.

After checking various astral levels, I was transferred to a plane of non-perception. There is more than one of these realms. I was in the one where it is pitch dark. Notably no light is seen there. One has vision there except that it is spatial vision through awareness only. There is a strong sense that one should access from there to find light. Even though this need is there, there is no light. One notices that it is pitch black darkness like on a dark moon night with no stars are overhead. No light appears anywhere in any direction.

There is nothing with odor, nothing with flavor, nothing with color, nothing with surface and nothing with sound. One sees and feels darkness. A coreSelf is there in the darkness with a suspicion that in every direction there are innumerable cores radiating darkness in darkness.

This is similar to being emerged in the brahman spiritual plane of existence, except that in the brahman energy, one is surrounded by golden light shining, blasting in every direction and one is a speck of that energy radiating that light, with innumerable other cores doing the same.

It would be unusual if the deceased person I searched for, was transferred to that plane of non-perception. This person was not a yogi but that could not stop a transfer. In any case, if someone is in that plane of awareness, it is near impossible to sort the person, much less determine definitely if the person is located there. When one is in that plane of consciousness, communication with someone else does not occur.

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