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Parallel worlds and quantum wave function

This is by far the best video to describe the Schrodinger wave function and parallel worlds existence at 5:00. 

Several readings I did during my school, college days, never understood. Multimedia proves to be way better teaching tool than one media.

Those visualization are high end stuff, he did a great job to take it to millions of people. 

This understanding is important, this is what governs all our semiconductor, mobile phone, laptop chip physics.

I hope this 12 minute video is enjoyable and how parallel worlds are existing already, proved scientifically. 

Replies (2)
    • This is important to understand the super nano-level interactions and parallel world existence.

      For more than 100 years, Nikola Tesla (a great inventor, and scientist, who invented AC Electricity, Motor) categorized these Quantum physicists and also relativists like Albert Einstein to be Metaphysical psychos. He called them that they cook up extraordinary math garbage to prove metaphysics and there is no science in it.

      Science has expanded and included so-called metaphysics into quantum physics and relativism.


      These are some extraordinary minds who have done great works to push human perception.

      All the theories in the video are 100 years old, they were discovered back in the 1920s and it took 100 years or more for us to grasp what they have said!

      • Challenging!

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