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Nāḍī Series-2: Traditional Spinal & Diverging Spinal or Sushmna Nāḍī

Nāḍī is a Sanskrit word ( नाडी) and it literally has several meanings as per contexts like tube, pipe, nerve, blood vessel, or pulse.

Here, Nāḍī is used as a term for the subtle body channels through which the breath energy (prana) and life force (Kundalini) moves in the subtle & physical body (subtle & physical are interspaced).

October 2022

Houston, Texas

This is a sequence to Nāḍī Series-1: Rare Subtle body Channels.

Nāḍī & its yogic purpose:

Nāḍī s will carry 2 types of energy:

  1. Prana (Subtle breath energy)
    1. There are several types of breath energy (including Apana & pollutants which can be carried or blocked in the Nāḍīs)
  2. Kundalini (life force energy)
    1. Several Nāḍī s discovery eventually means several kundalinis have started or eventually flow

Prana Visions is the tool used to find or observe these Nāḍī s. When the breath energy (prana) is highly energized, it glows in bright moonlight or translucent color inside the body. In the coming post, I will describe prana vision in detail.


2 Way approach:

  1. Nāḍī paves the way for Kundalini travels:
    1. Once the Nāḍī (subtle body channel or vein) is observed or figured out, it is just a matter of redirecting the energy into those channels using mystic force or will power and direct prana (breath energy) thru the Nāḍī s and boring it out, so Kundalini can travel thru it.
  2. Kundalini travels and then shows the Nāḍī s 
    1. Sometimes, this happens the other way, the kundalini will bore the Nāḍī s first and then one gets to know the location of these Nāḍī s and then one realize they are cleaned and it sparkles in pure white color. 

Other rare features of Nāḍīs:

  1. Subtle body configuration and layout change drastically in several dimensions.
    1. If the subtle body changes in higher dimensions
      1. it means the energy flow changes
        1. which in turn means the channels that carry this energy will also change.
  2. The same Nāḍī s will exist differently in some dimensions
  3. Sometimes, 2-3 more Nāḍī s can overlap confusing the observers to understand which Nāḍī is going where, it is because several astral dimensions are overlapping at that moment, lot of Nāḍī s are overlapping and it may appear to be interconnected but it is not (Nāḍī s might look like a flyover from the top view, see below picture).


Traditional Sushumna or Spinal Nāḍī :

Traditionally in yogic literature, spinal Nāḍī or Sushumna Nāḍī is praised and held as the only Nāḍī to focus on. Yes, Sushumna Nāḍī has its place and importance in running several key functions of the body, there is no doubt upon this But there are several Nāḍī s in different dimensions and each has its own importance and supremacy in their dimensions.




Diverging Side Sushumna or Spinal Nāḍī s:

This is a rare form of Spinal Nāḍī s which are diverging from the base chakra along the traditional Sushumna or spinal Nāḍīs. This results in back cell kundalini and another back-related kundalini. 

This appeared while bending and touching the forehead on the floor in virasana and getting up.





Kundalinis connected to this Nāḍī:

These are Nāḍī also key contributes to back cell kundalini and also shoulder and arms kundalini



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