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Nuclear detonation in an astral place ...

Usually I don't write about my astral dream experiences, but I had an experience early this morning (12.28.2016) that I felt should be mentioned, for whatever significance it might have, or none at all.

I was in some astral location, where I observed a nuclear detonation by the Russian president. 

I was across on the other side of what looks like a huge river looking at this massive city and all of a sudden I saw this bomb and explosion, and this entire city was destroyed in a matter of seconds. The energy released from the nuclear explosion quickly reached where I was standing on the other side of the river, but it had no effect on the astral form I was using. After that I found myself in an office with the president and he was asking me if I knew of a particular individual he was looking for. I said I didn't know the individual and he dismissed me from his office. After that I made my way to a balcony of that building and there was this huge blue battleship and I can see within the Russian president in conversation with some US military officials. 

In some way it felt somewhat like a premonition or just a fluke of the subtle body that probably jump into another dimension or space in time. Either way, when I awoke back on this side I was thrilled to have had a brief encounter with President Putin. :) The feel I got from him, was of a friendly type.  

Replies (3)
    • Apart from the pride of achievement in having vivid astral recall, there is another significance which is that if one can become satisfied with subtle activities as completions onto themselves, one will not have to always take a body to live out the subtle acts physically in slow motion, which would take umpteen lifetimes. Question is: Do you feel you should meet this person physically as well or is that subtle encounter fulfilling enough for completion? One skill which I introduce and stress is that of being satisfied with subtle encounters only but I find that most student do not pick up on this, or do not feel happy about this because there is this nagging need for the person to act subtle either by thinking, imagining or psychic act, and then to complete that by a physical follow-up. Can a person be satisfied with no physical follow-up? Are we perpetually going to need parallel physical acts?

      • Question: Do you feel you should meet this person physically as well or is that subtle encounter fulfilling enough for completion? Answer : The subtle experience was fulfilling enough for me. There wasn't a slight desire-energy to meet this individual physically. In the past, I have had astral association with some celebrities, and I don't ever think that "hey I really must meet this person." The astral encounters are satisfying.
        • Definitely relevant to Earth's current situation (good times ahead foot-in-mouth):


          Putin Already Playing Nuclear Poker With Trump



          “Let it be an arms race.” The US “will outmatch them [our nuclear adversaries] at every pass and outlast them all.”

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