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Nourishment States of Consciousness

There are nourishment states of consciousness which arise spontaneously in meditation. Some types are rarely mentioned in meditation books. Mostly light in meditation, or bliss consciousness in it, are given as markers for advancement. Even in my numerous writings I hardly mentioned the nourishment states. Why?

This is due to the fact that when one encounters such states one underrates them. Or one may be absorbed in them without an observational perception. This means that one will meditate, benefit from such states and be unaware of the benefits gained.

These nourishment states are important for nourishing the subtle body on a higher plane, so that it can become saturated with energy from higher levels. However, an elementary but important use of such states is imbibing the energy to nourish the coreSelf or the subtle body.

This feels similar to when a person is starved of water and then reaches a source of refreshing spring water. He/She becomes satisfied drinking that water. The feelings of inadequacy due to thirst are removed. A fullness is felt. It may be compared to a starving infant who is suddenly placed near its mother’s milk-full breast. The infant’s anxieties and insecurities are immediately removed. Calmness and satisfaction instantly spread.

A yogi should be on the lookout for being in nourishment states of consciousness where no light is seen or no sound is heard, but there is fullness all around which should be suckled into the self. When this is done there will be a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction gained from absorbing the nourishment energy.

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Replies (1)
    • Beautiful! 

      Where do these states exist? 

      In chitakash level or below it ?

      Above indraloka level or below it?

      In those nourishment states, can buddhi run its feeble or background operation in a mild fashion?

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