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Nature Perpetual in Origin

Nature is famous, even more famous than God. Its manifestations are directly evident to our senses. The attention of the self courses through a sensing mechanism which was produced by nature. That makes it easy for any self to be dedicated to Nature’s events.

Some philosophers stress that because it flashes and then disappears, because it is temporary, it is of no use to anybody. Thus, everyone should disassociate from it. Some say that since it is temporary, it is useless where it is not worth a conversation.

These are interesting proposals because while someone declares that, he/she must use the tools made by Nature to express that. In fact, the observation about the temporariness of nature is done for the most part with the existential tools Nature provides. Imagine building a house with a saw, hammer, and nails, and then cursing the hammer after that place is finished.

Nature’s substratum, the basis upon which it produces temporary things, is eternal. It is perpetual. Furthermore, each self has relationship with nature. When Nature is manifest, the relationship is obvious. When one connects from Nature’s eternal substrata, the relationship cannot be sensed.

Replies (1)
    • Nature Divine:

      • Nature is Divine and divinity is nature!
      • Nature is everything, and All is Nature.


      • The individual self is nature, so it is one with nature.
      • The coreSelf is subjective, inconspicuous, and immaterial.


      • Nature is impermanent, yet by divine decree, it lasts indefinitely.
      • From the meanders of creation, to the gods’ footsteps is also Nature.


      • The cosmic ebbs and flows, the creations and destructions are Nature.
      • The cyclical manifestation of causalities in any life is still, also Nature. 


      • Nature is Us, we are Nature, we are one. From the confines of darkness to the dawns of liberations, are beheld to Nature.
      • The delusions and distortions in perceptions up till the clarity of the Divinity’s Creative Energies are resting upon Nature.
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