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Naad Switch Operation

It becomes necessary when doing naad sound resonance meditation to study the operation of the switch which moves the attention from naad to the viewing screen at the front part of the subtle head. A yogi must study both switch functions, when it moves from naad to front viewing and when it moves from front viewing to naad.


This switch is a serous problem for the yogi because it operates spontaneously without permission of the coreSelf. When absorbing or focusing on naad sound, a yogi finds that his attention is switched to viewing ideas and images in the front part of the subtle head. He must research and figure how this switching operation happens even without his permission. He uses the switch when he moves his strayed attention from frontal images to naad but in doing so he needs to understand why the switch operates involuntarily. Is the psyche built for whimsical viewing of images in the frontal part?


This tussle may be compared to breathing where the question as to the involuntary stay of breathing brings a negative clarity in that one cannot stop the breathing sequence entirely because the physical body has a mechanism which prohibits a deliberate termination of the inbreath and outbreath. One can cease the breath rhythm for a short time but not once and for all. The way one’s willpower is connected to the rhythm of breathing it does not allow a complete cessation of breath.


A yogi should operate the switch from naad to front viewing, and then from front viewing to naad, over and over until he gets insight into how it operates. Even though he may not ever get full control of the switch, his frequent effort to switch from the front viewing to naad resonance, may cause the focusing function to use naad as its default listening need, abandoning the frontal viewing as the quest and priority. This would do wonders to upgrade the meditation sessions and greatly reduce the struggle for coreSelf dominance over the psyche. Habit! Habit! Habit! A well cultivated habit has every chance of becoming one’s instinct.

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Replies (7)
    • Is the psyche built for whimsical viewing of images in the frontal part?

      Great Question.

      Choose: The non-material sound vibration of Naad ? or Frontal lobe of ideas and images (Is like a big wave that pulls from the Naad.) 


      • tidal wave?


        Irresistable attraction like a teenaged love affair?

        • The frontal lobe is  a nonstop surge of creativity and ideas, vibrations from which we use to express in the material realm. Beyond the mind to grasp, one can only surrender to hear Naad sound.


          • This is a superb technique. After doing it everyday for a month, the switch is getting better, but it still isn't smooth. The Naad sound is always there in the background, but when I focus on its source that currently is between the right temple and the right ear, I get a huge energetic blast. switching back to the frontal view is the challenge.

            • Tobe Terrell,

              When such switching is being done deliberately, switching back to frontal view is the challenge but when the system itself does the switching involuntarily, there is no problem and it is done so precisely that the coreSelf may not notice that the switch occurred until after the switch happened and sometimes even some seconds or minutes after it occurred. In that case, what or who does the switching?

              These observations bring to fore the fact of the coreSelf’s relative controlling position in the psyche. There is much to be realized through this practice, and much homework to do in the effort to redesign the psyche for the convenience and increase control by the core.

              • It will switch where the attention / concentration is.

                • Thank you for this invaluable advice! It definitely can bring efficiency and effectiveness to the inSelf Yoga meditation practice.

                  Quote:"A yogi should operate the switch from naad to front viewing, and then from front viewing to naad, over and over until he gets insight into how it operates."

                  Previously when it had been advised by RishiDeva and another one of our advanced yogi instructors (by association) switching to the front was initially part of a more advanced practice, that all others were eventually encouraged to do for further progress in inSelf Yoga meditation.

                  So it is awesome that this particular lesson can allow great advancement regarding the connection between the coreself and naad. The previously taught practice will distract from observing the actual switch, as it hinges on focusing and observing beyond the switching impulse/operation and forward onto higher accessed subtle levels/manifestations, when the continuous activities of the intellect are not standing in the way, based on internal quietude/clarification from a solid kriya yoga session.

                  Therefore, although both lessons mainly deal with naad, attention, and switching, they are two very different applications of the sense of attention on account of the objective that is sought after, but also the level of practice.

                  So there is the focus of the driver, the car and its operation, and finally the destination. This lesson today isn't focused on the destination in terms of what lays ahead, in the observation of higher subtle manifestation (beyond the intellect), it is primarily concerned with a greater understanding of the operation itself.

                  Thank you!!!

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