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Music and Mantras

On May 17, 2022, I was in a conversation with a Swami who is deceased. This person began a Vaishnava religious sect in the Western countries. He was staying astrally at Yogeshwarananda’s astral place. He went there to avoid contact with his deceased disciples who hound him down in the astral world because of the failure his process to give them a divine life after death of their physical forms.

He said this to me, “I am staying here because it is the only place where I can avoid those people, my former disciples. How was I to know that the process would not work to give the results intended? I was told by my guru that it would work and that is what I said to others. It is not my fault except that I could not check it. I could not die and then find out until my body actually died.

“Here no one will come to me because they feel that the guru here is an impersonalist mayavadi, just as I explained to them and taught. After death, if you owe someone anything, then when that person is deceased, that offended person hunts you down and demands compensation or tries to inflict some harm to you.”

Two days before this happened, I met this Swami in a different place while I did a session of bhastrika pranayama breath infusion. By interspacing his subtle body into mind and mimicking whatever I did, he learned the practice. After that session, he followed me to a place where I meditated. During the meditation, he interrupted because in his mind there was music playing.

He wanted to ask me about it. At that time because of the request energy, I became aware of the music which played in his mind. It was a song composed by George Harrison, a British musician who is now deceased. The song was ‘While my Guitar Gently Weeps’.

I said to the Swami, “Why do you sing that song? For this meditation no music or image should occur in the mind.”

He replied, “That is the problem where this song continues to play in the mind. I heard it when I associated with George Harrison. I am amazed how my mind recorded that song and plays it. I did some research about this. My conclusion is that the idea of using a mantra is fine but if it is combined with music, it is likely that the music will overpower the mind and the mantra’s effect will be diminished.

“George was involved to produce the music for our main deity greeting artik mantras. I am in his association regularly in an astral place, The thing is that sometimes I find myself with him and others as they play popular music.

Once when he played his song, ‘While my Guitar Gently Weeps,’I found that I was attracted to the song and could not stop following the music for it. I then decided to test myself to see how music affects the psyche. I listened to his group in the astral world. They sang some songs he produced for my institution. I realized that my mind was more involved with the music than it was with the Sanskrit words. The mind enjoyed the rhythm of the music about 95% of attention. The remaining 5% was for the mantras. Please give a method for ceasing this in the mind.”

I replied to him, “Use om namo shivaya. Use that in the mind when you are in it with all doors closed. If you do that it will usher you to naad sound resonance. Cling to naad. If, however, you are in a situation where you do not hear naad and if the sound of the song continues after you desire not to listen to it, emphatically chant om namo shivaya in the mind and resist the undesirable sound. Do this repeatedly until naad becomes available. Then cling to naad.”

Special Note:

One song which George Harrison produced is on the album which has the Govindam Adi Purusham mantras. This can be heard on the Radha Krsna Temple LP album.


Replies (3)
    • Revealing! 

      Gracious enough to have him at the Yogeshwarananda's Astral Ashram and train him on new process.

      Wondering how long he will stay there or will he follow the same route as previous astral residents of this ashram, who got pulley away by relative's emotional and affectionate energies.

      Or will he get pulled away by musical energy?

      Or will he pulled away by celebrity energy?

      • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3fDKGjJQSs&t=37s

        Wow, this is a stunning song. I don't blame him for getting pulled away by this song. 

        Classic 60s and 70s song, very similar strings, sound mixing and vocals. 

        The trick is the westerner's are singing words like Govinda, Adi purusha not the way it is supposed to be pronounced but it sounds awesome when sanskrit words comes from their mouth. The word pronunciation is not balanced and it lop sided at later end to give that tempo to next line.

        • Like for Govinda, they sing Go-Vindddaa
        • For Adi-purusha, they sing A-dddeee puru-sshhaa

        It is common in India and everywhere too to make adjustment to lyrics to match the music tempo and western accent mixed with word sounds very thrilling to hear.

        The female singer is using all advanced singing techniques from base of her throat. 

        So, the listener will fall in love with

        1. the female singer's voice
        2. the male singer's base voice
        3. Background guitar string (so subtle, and good to hear)
        4. Sound mixing, it is so soothing.

        Where did I think of Lord here (may be 10%) but I am sensually enjoying these male-female singer's energy and string's energy in lower plane and forgot' the lord's energy in higher plane.

        The song also has a catholic Christian choir or musical treatment. Female's voice has an attractive or pulling energy in it. 

        It is a good music, I wont be surprised if people are obsessed or addicted to it.

        • Well, it is really understandable that he or any Hare Krishna would have this particular song/mantra very imprinted in their spyche.

          This is the standard deity greeting recording that is used in all temples under ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) instituted by Bhaktivedanta Abhay Charan. And, it is played at Brahmamuhurta, the pre-dawn hour.

          As he expounded, and I presume only according to his gaudyamath disciplic section, the song would be purified or be devotional since even as celebrities they are serving Lord Krishna, by endorsing their name/fame to the mantra.

          But, as explained to him by RishiDeva, he only needs to favor the ever graciously present peeling of a bell, and it will be. There is no need to concoct anything aiming for some calculated agenda or motivated interest.

          He should not be surprised about that at all. Interesting though that it is not the Hare Krishna mantra, which he negotiated from 64 rounds of 108, down to 16 of: "Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare KṛṣṇaKṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare HareHare Rāma Hare RāmaRāma Rāma Hare Hare"

          His own recording of japa session during an early morning walk is very popular among his followers. If not him, this reply applies to his advanced followers in succession.

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