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Mushroom Magic

Psycho-Active Substances

Recently someone asked me about taking mushrooms for doing research into levels of consciousness and shifts into other dimensions.

First of all, I cannot outright suggest that anyone should take mushrooms or any psycho-active substance. The main reason for this is that even though aushadi or herbs are mentioned by Krishna in Uddhava Gita and by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras, as a method for experiencing supernormal perceptions, still neither of these authorities recommended it.

I found no statement outright where Krishna said it should not be used and still his silence about its use is deafening. It is also stated in the Srimad Bhagavatam that when Krishna and Balarama went to the school of Sandipani Muni, one of the subjects taught there was the effects of psychoactive substances. This suggests a medical approach to the consumption.

Still now and again someone asks for my opinion. Here it is.

If you will use a psychoactive substance. First procure it from a reliable source. Find out from that person the recommended dose. Divide that dose into four parts. Use one part of that. Use ¼ of the recommended dose. Keep a note pad handy. Take notes if you feel any shifts in consciousness. This is precautionary because these substances may cause different experiences to happen to different people. If you begin with just ¼ of the dose, it is likely that you will maintain objectivity if that quantity causes any shifts in consciousness.

If after taking ¼ of the dose, you still have an interest in the substance, wait one week after taking the first quantity (¼), then take ½ of the recommended dose. It is important to wait for a week because that allows your system to be purged of the substance. Otherwise, any molecules which linger in your body (particularly your brain) will merge with the new quantity to cause a compound effect, which means that you will get the effects of taking more than ½, which may cause a sumtotal lose of objectivity and lead to negative consequences.

If again you wish to experience a stronger quantity after taking the first ¼ and then the second entry of ½, then take the full dose.

Replies (5)
      • Such a methodical approach as explained above by Michael is golden. However,  unfortunately the normal or general approach to use of substances is done according to societal norms or tendencies to sensual gratification or simply put, party mode.

        For a seeker, the attitude is that of a psychonaut or one who is making an attempt at inner discovery and exploration. I find the questions suggested by Rishi to ponder upon during the experiences invaluable, as they provide not only an anchor but a direction within the trip in every sense of the words.

        It should also be added that with the readoption of psychedelic substances in therapeutic practice, they are now commonly produced in controlled settings  where they are bred for different objectives to include higher potencies or very pure pharmaceutical grades that are not according to nature ordinary tendency to mitigate and balance the different organic components. 

        But in my opinion it is more critical to consider one’s mind set at the time of indulgence or partaking. These substances depending on their nature or characteristics will invariably tend to allow the individual to access layers of their subconscious or subtle body (repository of instincts) as well as experiences related to other dimensions or realities that would not otherwise be accessed through the same individual’s field sensorial perceptions.

        Therefore, just as in meditation when not sufficiently prepared for the mind will mostly access experiences and realities that are of personal preoccupation, experiences under influence can also tend to take one in directions that are directly related to one’s state of mind or psychological dispositions.

        For some individuals, such experiences can become the onset of a psychotic breakdown when they are already constitutionally or genetically predisposed to, say schizophrenia or other psychological troubles. It is also easy to have a bad episode or trip based on the type of energy that is lingering within, for instance it is a bad idea to partake as a means to escape some stressful realities one is faced with. Setting the stage properly for exploration is of great importance and shows respect and consideration for the substance(s), as they can impact consciousness.


        A not so great an illustration:


      • Suryananda ,

        Being that you are an ultimate mad man, that qualifies you to advice some junior madmen.

        • LOL smile

          Though no laughing matter, madness is underrated and yes, deserves in some ways its earned stripes/accolades and recognition.

          Methodical madnesses can contribute positively to others :)

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