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Mental Anguish Hereafter

For the next body, one should expect a rehashing and continuation of what happened in the current life time. This is what I explained to Chairman Mao, whom I am in touch with on the astral side of life.

He wants to have only positive aspects in the next life so that his garnished history in his past body as the ruler of China would not be repeated. He asked me to read a biography which was written by Dr. Zhisui Li, titled, “The Private Life of Chairman Mao.”

I told the chairman that his behavior from the precious life will shoot into the next birth he would take, where he would again emerge as a political leader somewhere somehow. Then he would build a security apparatus, and repeat the same positive and negative tendencies. He asked if there was any way that could be avoided. I said that the only way would be to come under the influence of a saintly person during that life and keep that influence near him as a checking force. But even then, the tendency to control others and to secure one’s footing as head of state would prevail.

On April 6, 2022, suddenly I realized that Mao sat near to me leaning on my shoulder the way a dear brother would. This happened on the subtle side, as I sat upright on a bed. He is perplexed about how he would solve the consequential energies which follow him from his life as Mao Tse Tung. A person may be haunted not so much by others whom he offended in the past life, but by the residual energy in his mind which is lodged there from antisocial acts committed in a previous physical body.

Replies (5)
    • Does it mean, Prakriti or certain karmic energies have already set Chairman Mao into your influence?

      Your previous residual birth energies taken in Tibet or China brought you closer to Mao?

      Wondering why such an accomplished ascetic is having a conversation with powerful political bigwigs in the astral world? For the future betterment of the world or the individual?

      • There were these posts, apparently years back, on a previous website (before this one.) I wasn't able to locate them through the search. Some posts were compiled and included in this site, in order to bring everything together...---------------------------

        • Michael Beloved Surendra and Dennis,I had another encounter with the spirit of Hitler. I was reading the book “KL” by Nikolaus Wachsmann. I was reading about how the early concentration camps were formed. At the time it was the communists who were the targets primarily, not the Jews.As I was reading about how the SA and SS men were treating those who were arrested as communists, I sensed the presence of Adolf again, just next to me but this time he was in an astral body which was like of a ten year old boy.He said to me, “See. The fault is not all mine. Others were involved. In 1933, I was not in full command and could not have served as the motivation for all those horrible deeds. I should not have to carry the consequences for all of that.”

        • Michael Beloved

          Michael Beloved I then said to him. “Shut up you idiot. One more word out of your mouth and I will kick the living shit out of you. Srila Yogeshwarananda put you with your miserable karmic package near to me but that does not mean you can express yourself to me as you will. Just shut up.“You are reading this book as I read it by getting the impressions out of my mind but that is as far as you may go. Just be silent from now on, you rotten egg.”After this he kept silent all the while. It is interesting that his subtle body assumed the shape of a juvenile human because to take rebirth one has to assume the mentality of a child, otherwise one’s lifeforce energy cannot adapt to becoming an embryo.What hell it might be for any two persons who has to parent a global criminal?

      • Aniroodh Sivaraman

        Two reasons for the association.

        • He is a wanted man because of his wholesale violence of humans.
        • He must be reformed sooner or later, otherwise his power will again cause wholesale violence.

        The sooner he is reformed the better for himself and for others.

        • Obviously, he is a one of the powerful atmas like Stalin, other dictators, etc. 

          But which entity is sponsoring such wholesome violence and onslaught?

          Is it some dur-devatas or Prakriti or he has taken some energy from causal plane that is still running strong and sponsoring these violences?

          How much of it is chairman mao energy and other entities energy or he was attracting that energy from Prakriti which has to be reformed? That was the theme of my question. 

          • Aniroodh Sivaraman

            The Nature sponsors everything that happens. We should always remember this. A deity does not have to be present, only nature forces have to be there and then a series of events are triggered and become history.

            Nature gives opportunities to those who endeavor. In one life one acts agressively for something and then in a future life, nature puts one in position to get that desire fulfilled but it is always combined with flaws because a limited entity cannot at any time see all the angles.

            Nature sets it up but the entity capitalizes on it at his/her expense. The returns finds the actor in the future but while acting one may not realize this. One may feel that it is completed to one's satisfaction or that it was not done and one feels frustration. In either mood, nature will still send the bills to the actor in the future.

            Deities may or may not be involved in an obvious or covert way. The main comprehension is that it occurs according to how nature functions, irrespective of deities. If deities are involved, they too must work with nature as it is. The key functions are nature's design, what she allows to happen and how she responds to anyone's actions.

            One person alone cannot rule a country. There are others involved. Some are cirumstantially forced to participate. Some are opportunists. When it is all over, each has to face the consequences individually depending on the percentage of involvement.

            Mao was given the opportunity to manage the resentments of centuries of abuse of peasants in China. But even though it was set by destiny, that did not free him from consequences for mistakes he made. Nature may give an opportunity but later she does the accounting and if the actions are faulty, she dishes out the reactions accordingly.

            Working like this for nature, taking opportunities for ruling, is really a bad deal all around because if mistakes are made, nature backs on into a corner and spits on one. She is not a nice employer.

            Sometimes we are looking to find deities to help us avoid the bad reactions which are due but the deities have little to do with it. Thus in Bhagavad Gita, Krishna gave the course explaining about the three general influences of nature, the various gunas. He give so much details but we think it is too much for a simple matter.

            Even if one gets help from a deity, one will still have to relate to nature within one's psyche. That is the main lure. It is our major confidence, that relationship in the psyche with nature, that privacy with her in the mind. What is the value of deities when the most confidential companion of the coreSelf is nature within its mind. 

            Nature is much closer to the coreSelf than anything. So that is the issue to be figured!

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