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Replies (4)
    • Actually, anyone who lives in a residential or commercial building in which the return air comes from within the building is, unknown to that person and to others who are not informed, breathing stale used air.

      If that air is filtered but if the filter was not efficiently changed, that makes matters worse because added to the stale air are fungus and other micro-dudes who sprout on the filter, germinate and then multiply.

      Most of the air systems use is return air. Even in cars this happens when one presses the button that shows a circular arrow.

      It is only where all the air comes from the outside to be heated or cooled, does the person get full fresh air and the filter must be changed frequently which is expensive which discourages changing it.

      This means that most people using machine cooled or heated air, are using masks which are the machines and the concrete or wooden building.

      Another bit of information which may be overlooked is that in the Muslim countries where the laws about women’s coverings are enforced, many women are masked for several hours daily.

      When there was the vast migration to Europe from the Islamic regions, Europeans did not like the mask of the women. For one thing they were concerned with masks covering faces which foil the ability to identify persons committing crimes. But the situation with mask now which is global, gives us some idea of what the Muslim women endure day to day.

      Despite the reasons for the Islamic masking of women, one basis for it which made sense in previous times, was the protection from lung damage in dust storms in the Sahara Desert. Both males and females had to wear it to prevent sand particles from getting into the lung. But now it is used for who knows what reasons!


        Erinn Earth - devaPriya Yogini wrote: 

        These masks are meant to humiliate and disassociate us.

        Don’t forget that many Luciferian rituals are done publicly unbeknownst to the distracted, struggling public. (Listen to survivor stories before rolling the eyes, it’s not conspiracy theory.)

        Many Luciferian Freemasonic private rituals involve all the members being masked and standing 6ft apart.

        This is a mass ritual we are living in, if one has the eyes to see the horizon line.

        Being forced to wear the mask all day at work is the most unhealthy thing I’ve ever had to do.

        Dean's Question: I want to better understand these assertions and have searched for evidence to support these claims. I have some familiarly with masonic organizations and rituals.  However, I had no luck locating any helpful info.  

        Can you direct us to the evidence supporting these masonic rituals? Also, how this relates to the information shown in the video by the infrared camera about the spread of germs? 


        • Erinn Earth - devaPriya Yogini wrote:

          Hi Dean, if you have some familiarity with masonic rituals, can you give me some idea of what you do know and how much time was taken to research before i proceed with answering your question regarding them? Since I don't know how far you've gone with this, I'm wouldn't know where to start.

          Dean's comment: I was initiated almost 30 years ago in to a fraternal organization that are based on masonic principles/rituals and have interactions with brothers that are involved in higher ranks within free-masonic hierarchy. 


            Erinn Earth - devaPriya Yogini 

            Just to be clear. Assuming we are close to the same age, you are saying that at around the age of 16 you were initiated into a branch of the masons. 

            In addition to this initiation, you currently have interactions with higher ranking brothers within the Freemasonic hierarchy.

            Dean's comment: I appreciate the compliment about my age. The answer is Yes. 

            So I must then ask, beyond your initiation, which was probably related to your parent(s) involvement in the organization in some way, how much did you study on the organization?  It's history, evolution and past and current practices?

            Dean's comment: Yes 

            I also must ask, have you approached any of these higher ranking brothers with my assertions? What exactly is their numerical rank and what were their answers?

            Dean's comment: No, because you have not provided any information backing any of your claims. 

            If the answer to these questions is no, Im afraid you'll be starting at square one with your studies. I am unable to direct such a feat considering the censorship of information.  It took me years of studying these occult clubs to get even a basic understanding of their ideals and practices.  Today, it would take  take an incredible amount of my personal time to dig up everything I ever read or watched regarding this branch of study to share with you regarding your questions on my claims - claims which I didn't make up but learned through study. Yet, there is still much to be found and available on the Tube and through articles.

            Dean's comment: You need not waste any energy reeducating me on the history. I was merely asking for evidence, if it's not available then fine. What I understand is...that if you have not been initiated into an organization that keeps its practice and rituals a secret. How can you be so fucking sure that you have read legitimate material? 

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