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Long Samadhi Trance States

On November 6, 2022, I saw Swami Shivananda at Yogeswarananda’s ashram. He happened to be there when nilaGanga Yogini was present. She is deceased. Seeing her and sensing that I knew her previously, he mentally said this, “This lady is like a blue-black Ganges. She is a parallel to anuGanga. Give her the title of nilaGanga.”

After this he expressed a desire to find a mother on the physical side. There was no sexual interest in the energy but in any case, for that to happen, there must be some sexual interest, at least in the likely parents.

I did not question him about what happened from he left his body so long ago. However, there was a gap in his psyche which allowed me to check it. After not having that physical body when he was a recognized guru in India, in the astral world, he completed the remaining yoga practice required for entering long samadhi trance states. He was in that phase of existence for many years. Now suddenly he resumed a subtle existence in a subtle body which looked youthful and which was filled with a hazy white light.

Replies (1)
    • After years in long trance samadhi state, an extremely high ideal in my tiny estimation, but then to again find oneself looking for a body…

      This, one might say is an exemplification of nihilist/ existentialist Albert Camus’ Myth of Sisyphus. Up and down goes the rock upon the hill pushed by man, just as the atma compelled by Nature/karma and associated divinities attains the greatest highs and then again is spat out to this degrading environment!

      At least Camus and the likes as it has been posted previously asked themselves the point of it all. Well is there one, behind doing/acting for performance sake? What a let down! And, I thought they were a bunch of negative debonairs.

      Does the quest of the philosophers’ stone and liberation both end right here where they started, on lowly little blue planet?Of course, this the trajectory of one particular yogi, and may not be commingled with another’s karmic path.

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