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Light Radiance Absorption

Naad sound resonance listening and keen absorption is the first step in deliberate deep meditation. This is because there is a reliance need of the coreSelf where it requires support. As it is with everything which is not absolute, the core must have a reliance, otherwise it tends to drift in search of a shelter or relationship during meditation.

Naad sound provides support for absorption. It should be used intensely for some time, for week, months or years, until the yogi is anchored in it even involuntarily, where even when the core is not compelling itself to listen to naad, it finds that it listens to naad spontaneously.

Enough of this naad absorption will lead to perception of spiritual light. This is the perception of the radiance which the self emanates. It radiates spiritual light but due to the subjective nature of the radiation, the core rarely perceives this light. Constant listening to naad, will make it possible to subjectively see the light which emanates from the core.

After repeatedly becoming aware of this light by switching from seeing other aspect in the psyche, the self will find that it can make itself perceive the selfLight. When this happens time and time again, the self should imbibe this light, to drink it, to absorb it. This will give a satisfaction which is craved by the coreSelf. This will allow the self to be relieved from anxiety and hankering for response and reaction. This will cause entry into the chit akash sky of consciousness.

Replies (3)
    • Great description!!

      How to differentiate between other lights on the frontal head like lights around the third eye, buddhi light, prana light, or naad light to the light emanating from the core-self.

      • Best to practice and find out how to sort it, Keep in mind what Patanjali said which is unnatural but which is the key to clarify.

        Cease the five vrittis.

        Get rid of the compulsive habit of using the imagination faculty.

        • Oh okay, I find the response helpful. 

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