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Late Yoga Practice

Due to having a flu virus which caused a sensitive headache, I was unable to do an early morning session. I skipped a practice. Later in the day around 10 a.m. after eating a meal, I decided to do the session. This complies with the statement that it is better to be late than never.


This late session was not as good. In fact it was noticeable of a lower level than the regular morning session which is ideally done around 3.30 am to 4.30 am. For the early morning session food matter is not in the stomach and higher intestines because eating from the previous day was ceased entirely on that day, by say about 4.pm.


After eating in the morning the food taken is compacted into the stomach and higher intestines. This takes space in the abdomen which means that the lungs are unable to expand to their maximum capacity.


I noticed as well that there were feelings of heart pain as if one was to have a heart attack. There was this pain a little to the left in the central chest area. If the body was younger that pain may not be felt but at 60+ years, the heart feels stressed to do the aggressive breath infusion practice with the stomach and higher intestines chock full of food matter.


However after the session which lasted for about thirty minutes, I was to meditate indoor as I usually do in a morning session. But I had this feeling to meditate outdoors as I usually do in the afternoon session. The reason for this is that once the sun is above the horizon, one should meditate recognizing the sun deity.


One should do Savituh gayatri mantra for at least ten times. While doing this one should focus inside the psyche on the energy which was absorbed from the atmosphere during breath infusion.


The convention for chanting the sun-god gayatri is to focus on the sun planet as a physical object in the sky. That is a valid practice. This meditation practice however is different where we are concerned with the sun energy taken in during the infusion. The yogi, instead of tracking the sun which is outside his psyche, tracks the sun’s energy which was absorbed into the psyche. He observes what that energy does within the psyche to clear off heavy subtle energy, to make the subtle form more responsive to higher vibrations.




While doing this gayatri mantra, I got a message from the sun-god who is one of the spiritual fathers. He said:

“Bring him up. Make every effort to return but bring him up. He is doing the required meditations.”


This was an instruction to bring Sir Paul to the sun planet later on.



I am frequently challenged, sometimes insulted or questioned about posts of this nature, where I mentioned a particular individual by name or anonymously. Another student will challenge if he or she is included in this or as to why he or she is not included. Someone may cite a service rendered to me or a service done as I instructed as a reason by that person should be mentioned in a favor like this.


However the fact is that I do not control the request of deities. I sure cannot instruct deities in what to say to me about particular students. I cannot instruct deities to allow the same favors to all students which are offered for only one person.



At the heart of the matter however is resentment and envy, not being able to appreciate the success of someone else a comparing oneself to another student. It is really a problem.

Replies (1)

      I am frequently challenged, sometimes insulted or questioned about posts of this nature, where I mentioned a particular individual by name or anonymously. Another student will challenge if he or she is included in this or as to why he or she is not included. Someone may cite a service rendered to me or a service done as I instructed as a reason by that person should be mentioned in a favor like this.


      At the heart of the matter however is resentment and envy, not being able to appreciate the success of someone else a comparing oneself to another student. It is really a problem.


      Indeed the sense of self wants to object to benefice to the self, therefore why should someone else’s self get such benefit or any positive result as opposed my personal self.


      However, by dint of discipline and self check, that reasoning is silenced upon channeling the energy into productivity versus destructibility.


      Perhaps my-self has its personal assignments that I am not paying sufficient attention to, and therefore leisurely delect in such irrelevant and futile comparisons.


      Why be so despotic as to torture a messenger, particularly one who has already provided more than I could muster in multiple lifetimes?


      Not able to help distractions I got interested for some speculative reasons at this time as to understanding more as to such qualifying requirement of meditations.


      “Bring him up. Make every effort to return but bring him up. He is doing the required meditations.”


      Given that Sir Paul was a contemporary of ours this might have some relevancy,even if it is accessed through the expertise of another’s success and the use of social media.


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