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Kundalini Formula Rise


I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this, feel free to move it if it's not.

I read the kundalini rising formula file.

Regarding the anuloma viloma pranayama:

after completing inhalation in one of the nostrils, it says to hold the breath, while holding the breath do I also need to apply all the locks for kunda to rise?



Replies (6)
    • Application of the locks after inhaling and holding breath is the standard advice.


      However kundalini may rise even if the locks are not applied as in the case when doing kapalabhati or bhastrika pranayama (breath infusion).


      What to look for?


      An electrical charge in the breath energy or down in the body. Kundalini rises on the basis of an electrical charge buildup. For example, normally an adult human being experiences flare ups of kundalini caused by sexual attraction/stimulation. Then due to the charge increases, there is an energy explosion which is interpreted as sexual pleasure from a feelings perspective. This is the same process used to rise kundalini deliberately, where it buildup and then fires into an explosion of energy.


      Anuloma/viloma pranayama is not recommended in inSelf Yoga™ but I have no objection to the use of it, except that it might take many years of practice for a person to make that cause kundalini rises on a daily basis. Previously yogis used anuloma/viloma and it worked but nowadays in my view it does not work unless the student dedicates about two hours of rigid practice daily for at least a few years.


      I was introduced to it by Arthur Beverford in the Philippines and then later in Ventura, California, he showed me how to do it in detail. This was based on the technique of Rishi Singh Gherwal (Beverford’s guru). I did it but my view is that it takes too long to increase the charge of energy sufficiently. But the main problem with anuloma/viloma is that one has to track the energy up and down the spine or some yogis use the track up and down the lung from bottom to top, top to bottom. But what I found is that the attention-focus on this misses and as soon as it misses one is supposed to start over again because the miss interrupts the charge increase. So I decided that currently because of our mental fluctuations it is not a practical method.


      Later after I learned kapalabhati/bhastrika from Yogi Harbhajan Sing Sahib, I would do that first and then do anuloma/viloma and I was getting the result intended in that way. Thus I concluded that formerly those yogis had a different kind of body, where they began the practice at the stage I reached only after doing bhastrika. And I concluded that anuloma/viloma was not practical today by itself.


      Anyone who says he can raise kundalini doing anuloma/viloma is either untruthful or he has a different kind of body which is similar to that used by some ancient yogis. My advice is to learn kapalabhati/bhastrika as soon as you can.


      If you tell us where you are located, we can check to see if we know anyone who lives within reach. But also you can check some videos on it in the Video section at this site. First click Videos in the Menu bar, then click Video home and you should see Kundalini Yoga Videos.



      Also check YouTube for Ramdeva’s videos on bhastrika. That is simpler. And also maybe other members of this site might have videos which they can share with you. But let us know where you are located. Perhaps someone we know might be in your area.

      • Hi,


        Thank you very much

        Is the probability to raise kundalini with just applying the root lock high? Holding the breath and contracting the muscles down there after rapid breathing?

        Can kundalini be raised only in sitting and laying posture without doing any of the other postures?

        • Is the probability to raise kundalini with just applying the root lock high? Holding the breath and contracting the muscles down there after rapid breathing?


          It is hardly likely that this will occur unless kundalini is first charged with the breath energy. Mere breathing in and out like a bellows (bhastrika = bellows in Sanskrit), will not cause kundalini to be charged unless somehow the infused energy goes to kundalini and charges it, or charges the sex organ chakra.


          This implies that the yogi must push down the charged energy so that it does reach the base chakra, muladhar. The application of the root lock is for forcing the charge to remain there and accumulate, otherwise it might diffuse out from there and not build up to a charge.


          Lightning occurs due to a buildup of static electricity in the air. If the static does not concentrate to a certain spot or zone, then it will be there but will not discharge in a powerful flash.


          Question is that while you do rapid breathing, what do you do to be sure that the energy is actually going to muladhar chakra as its ultimate target. How do you compel the energy to build up there


          In sex pleasure experience, the energy builds up in the sex organ chakra and then is released there in what is termed as a climax but that happens by the grace of nature with or without human impetus. Does the same thing happen in raising kundalini or is it that nature hardly helps and the person has to generate all of the impetus required?


          Can kundalini be raised only in sitting and laying posture without doing any of the other postures?


          Kundalini may itself rise without even one desiring it to do so, and it may do so from any posture or even from a damaged or critically wounded body. This can certainly happen.



          Still, if something can happen, it may never happen all the same.

          • This implies that the yogi must push down the charged energy so that it does reach the base chakra, muladhar. 


            There are many people doing rapid breathing pranayama but I never heard of them raising kundalini, is it because the breath doesn't reach the root chakra?

            When I do rapid breathing for quite a while nothing is happening, so I assume the breath energy isn't going down there.

            How can I make it so it reaches the root chakra?


            • Salut SiddhaBuddha & Bienvenue au site de inSelfyoga.

              If you had a chance to check out video(s) mentioned by Michael,

              would you mind sharing what you thoughts of or reactions to them?

              • This implies that the yogi must push down the charged energy so that it does reach the base chakra, muladhar. 


                Yes, it has to be pushed down. I find that willpower alone or visualization does not push it down unless the subtle body is so charged that the energy in it, the prana is responsive to will power. With a high enough charge of energy, that energy becomes responsive with the help of the muscular locks.


                There are many people doing rapid breathing pranayama but I never heard of them raising kundalini, is it because the breath doesn't reach the root chakra?


                This conclusion is correct. For one thing doing rapid breathing does not mean that the energy is being taken in by the lungs. The lungs might be resistant so that the person does the rapid breathing and the bodies (physical/subtle) do not absorb the air. In that case it is really like a bellows which taken in air and expels air but does not absorb the air. For this yoga the leather bag of the bellows must absorb the air, meaning of course that the lung cells, alveoli, must absorb the air.


                But if the student has a body which does not do that, he will never realize kundalini until he can influence the lungs cells to change their attitude. Once the lung cells do that, the next task is to direct the infused energy which is in the blood cells to go to the right places. The first practice is that it should be pushed down to the sex organ area, pubic area. Once it is there, then it should be shoved to the muladhar base chakra.


                When I do rapid breathing for quite a while nothing is happening, so I assume the breath energy isn't going down there.



                It is recommended that one does the practice every once in a while in the presence of a capable teacher, who can watch what you do directly and also check by psychic vision what is happening in your subtle body.



                We have media, like for instance video. You could send a video of your practice and we would look at it. This is not the same as being checked on the spot but it is better than not being checked in any way.

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