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Krishna People ~ Breath Infusion

On June 18, 2016, I had an astral country with Kirtanananda Swami and his spiritual master, Bhaktivedanta Swami. At first there was Kirtanananda with some of his associates who were either his disciples or the disciples of Bhaktivedanta. During his physical life, Kirtanananda had a way about him where he could befriend someone in a moment, where he was very agreeable or seem to be so.


In the astral encounter, he was like that, very friendly and kind. As we walked in a place which was his astral resistance, he said that he learnt much in my presence when he used his last physical body while I was at New Vrindavan, a community which he established in West Virginia of the USA. He did not give details. I did not determine what learning he meant.


To reciprocate with his agreeableness, I replied:

“In your association, I learnt much myself.


After this we kept walking on his astral lands for a time. Then suddenly we were in the presence of Bhaktivedanta Swami in another astral place. Then there was only the three of us in another place, which seem to be similar to a place which I owned in Guyana, South American some years ago. Bhaktivedanta Swami used a mystic power to transport us there. This was the astral side of that place. As we began to walk on a track through that place, Bhaktivedanta indicated to me that Kirtanananda should retire at that place. He should no longer be a guru to anyone but should remain at that place for mental treatment.


Here both Bhaktivedanta and Kirtanananda were shirtless which is not usual for renunciants. But then a friend who was known in the Hare Krishna movement as Krpamaya, appeared. He had on a shirt which he promptly removed after he observed that the two swamis were shirtless.


Bhaktivedanta Swami then said to me:

We should all do this.


He meant bhastrika breath infusion. He also said:

Krishna people should learn this and perfect it, no one else.


Then in commenting on one of his followers, who used to be his private servant, he said this:


A spiritual master becomes sluggish in association with such people. They have a negative impact on the lifestyle of a guru.

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