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Jealousy in the Mind

Jealousy, something which plagued humanity for thousands of years, in primitive life, in modern life even. Something we just cannot shake. It travels with us wherever we go and takes control as it may. It is rooted into human nature. It caused monarchs to kill other monarchs, members of a family to kill another such member and citizens to kill others.


Jealousy however does not begin in the society. It starts in the mind of the individual. It emerges from the great WITHIN, the place which is supposed to be pure unity and bliss.


This discussion will leave aside social jealousy in society. Let us move into the mind to see jealousy between the core-self and its adjuncts and between the adjuncts themselves.

There is the core-self, the observing principle in the mind.

The primary adjuncts are

  • ·       intellect faculty
  • ·       kundalini lifeforce
  • ·       senses
  • ·       memory


These are reduced to being only two faculties because the senses and memory are extension of the kundalini lifeforce.


Hence we have a core-self with intellect faculty and kundalini lifeforce.


What it the relationship between these?


Is there any occasion of jealousy between these, as there would be between people in the social environment?


Is the core-self, the central beauty who is being wooed by the intellect or life-force?


Which of the two suitors will win the hand of the adorable core-self?


Is there any chance for the core-self to be the factual queen of the psyche?


Should the core-self marry the intellect or the lifeforce?


Should it be in a polygamous relationship with both adjuncts?



What should the core-self do, if one of the adjuncts becomes jealous and refuses to cooperate to get something done?

Replies (1)
    • Any time there is limited access there will be competition. Competition is ground for the emotions of envy and jealousy. Such adversarial attitudes are primal as they tie in the survival of the fittest.


      Throughout nature, all such emotions as well as relations are represented; it is only the forms that they are fitted in for greater opportunity for expressions along the ladder of evolution that vary.


      The senses access the buddhi organ by way the Kundalini, which in turn accesses the core-self by way of the intellect. So aside from competition there will be a need for cooperation in order to establish a viable system, which means one where the self (and not the core-self) is hooked to the perpetual working of this chain of events.


      Kundalini also needs the senses to keep its charms diversified, compelling and overwhelming. The intellect is further removed from the crude productions but is the one who will ultimately do the presentation to the core-self. So the intellect also needs the kundalini to stay productive in order to feel validated in the eyes of the core-self. What fruits are presented to the core-self are based on interests that are said to be of the core-self, in actuality they are not representative of the core-self.


      Different networks are in place. The different directions of the flux of emotional energies are present from the periphery all the way up to the core-self. Some polygamy and perhaps some poly-amorous situations, and ultimately under the watch of the householder who bears the responsibility of the menage a trois at the end of the day.


      There are those times when I want to see something nice, and then hear something nice, then touch something nice… so the competition and cooperation for the attention of the king in name, are based on his interests. Such interests are formulated in the inner chambers of the king, away from the executive minister, and by agents who do not represent the king’s best interest.


      These desires that supposedly represent the wishes of the king are made to manifest through the activities of the different fractions of society and related by way of the king’s closer agents. They all need to not only compete for this to take place but also cooperate in order to best fulfill their objectives, which in this case is their main reason for being.  


      It is all working like a well oiled machine, but there is a more sinister aspect. I watch your back you watch mine, but anytime push comes to shove and only one of us can make it to the top, I will have to stub you in the neck. - sorry” It is a good notion to have in just about any efficient and productive corporation out there. That said it is more likely the one who is in the favor of the boss that will be represented.


      From the post there are more questions than statements. I can see how, as this can be developed in a long composition. There seems to be more complexity in these inner relations than the ones that are manifested and experienced as a matter of socializing. But I may not have sufficiently elaborated on certain parts or even organized them adequately, and am open to clarifying my writing more.


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