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ISKCON monk vs Vivekenanada & Ramkrishna over eating & smoking habits



In the Hindi language, the monk asks can a "Divya or Siddha Purush" can eat fish or meat.

He goes on to say they can't even eat meat as their heart is filled with karuna (compassion) as such act cannot be committed if Vivekananda was "Divya or Siddha Purush".

Indirect jibe calling out: can a "Divya Purush/ Exalted or perfected being" smoke (hand sign), this is aimed at Ramakrishna.

I am not interested to examine deeply on this topic about Vivekenda's eating and Ramrkishna's smoking habits and equating him to "Siddha purush" as it looks very rudimentary childlike comparison.

Samadhis, their absorption states for hours, and their relationships with Divine entities are worth studying than these primitive superficial physical habits.

But the vaishnavite monk does forget that Lord Rama ate a lot of meat like antelope, buffalo, peacock, etc. Is he going to rate Lord Rama on his eating habits too?

It is not about Vivekananda, it is about subtle establishment envy fights between 2 big institutions like ISKCON and Ramakrishna mission. It is common in every institution, religion is not an exception.  

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