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Replies (5)
    • I work on such programs to automate agricultural, mining and construction processes where human health can take a hit due to exposure of coal dust, fly ash and carcinogenic chemicals sprayed. 

      Such excessive mass production are the results of capitalism and increasing global population, world hunger and food needs.

      One such program, we worked on is SEE AND SPRAY of John Deere. Good side is, it reduces 80% of chemicals used in agriculture. We put cameras everywhere with software to make autonomous systems, self decision making.

      The software analyses soil nutrients and weeds in the continuous frames of picture taken by camera using image processing algorithms and sprays particular chemical like phosphorus/ magnesium or weedicide on that particular node, instead of showering chemicals all over.

      But you may ask why use so much chemicals on it in first place. We are in the reality, to multiply everything. We can comfort ourself that we are doing it little efficient than before.


      Here is the link


      • - simply amazing that nature is doing this using man as her research scientists -

        - nature is gaining near absolute control of her productions which run wild in her creation -


        - eventually she will turn on man himself/herself -

        • True, I saw a video on Google's AlphaZero and AlphaGo. They play games likes chess and try to beat human beings or human made software.

          Google acquired Deepmind who develops extraordinary algorithm to mimic human mind.

          I will post about it. 4 years ago, when it was released. No one understood it, slowly a year later, it created a ripple in chess community. The way software played was monstrous, I personally saw some games and read it. 

          I was dumbfounded and took me 3 days to accept such a thing is possible, I have never seen chess played that way, destroyed all the previous theories or understanding and smashed the man made software and knowledge to pieces. I used to play chess at professional level during teen years, so I get a taste of it. 

          But prakriti turning man against himself will be thru man made algorithms against man.

          If that's the case, it has already happened, the odds of man winning are near to nil. But there is a slight hope. I will post about it.


          • Aniroodh Sivaraman 

            Why does?

            prakriti turning man against himself will be thru man made algorithms against man.

            This theory has not been proven but if you have proof present it. I do not see why prakriti will have to use man to do this and why prakriti cannot do this directly against man.

            Who is man that he/she is so essential that prakriti cannot directly level something at him/her or at mankind at large?

            It took man some thousands of years to be where he is right now with the technological skills. It took prakriti millions of years to produce man. How is it that now man is positioned where prakriti cannot supersede man?

            At what stage was man the producer of anything including himself? At what stage was man the origin of evolutionary advantages?

            A conclusion which states or suggests that prakriti has no intelligence requires massive proofs to support it. I am listening to the evidence.

          • I’d say a very advanced and subtle aspect of the conjugated product of both Prakriti and Maya.

            We can more easily see that from within this universe or creation animal forms such as bees and ants that are compelled to create and produce, though they are not in a position for their intellect to react in an advanced way to their activities or busy-ness.

            Even though the productivities of human or all participating in creation has real bearings and not illusory, their acceptance as independent from the play of the enfolding of this near magical to human understanding is illusory, even as creation eventually returns to a seed form with both Prakriti and Maya ready for the entrapment of the atma.  

            Each species is performing on account of the facility that is created by Prakriti, never so far as we can understand by the efforts of any one group of consciousness. She facilitates and manifests, and the self can only be taken into consideration through appendages, the intellect, sense of identity, life force and a stock of memories or trails of the past.

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