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Head Kundalini Burst

Head kundalini is usually a result of spinal kundalini arousal, from muladhar base chakra upwards through the spine into the head. When it happens it may hit the analytical orb (buddhi), then goes the third eye chakra or to the brahmrandra crown orbit area.



If this happens the yogi may experience brahmananda which is a golden bliss energy in which his objectivity vanishes. He remains in that condition for a time, for moments, seconds or minutes depending on how long kundalini remains charged. As soon as the energy subsides, kundalini will return either gradually or suddenly to the muladhar base chakra.


There is however kundalini bursts in the head which are not reliant on or motivated by kundalini arousal through the spine. When this happens, the yogi experiences a state of consciousness which is the same as when a departed yogi goes to the siddhaloka dimension.


That experience feels like a spearmint bliss burst which has tiny micro-pixels of energy with a camphor texture. It may saturate the entire subtle head or just a part or zone of it. Instead of having a gold color, it will have a white color like that of pure camphor. Instead of blasting away the objectivity of the yogi, it will allow him to savor the experience. The pleasure-feeling with lack a lust flavor. It will not be neutral but it will be near to being neutral.

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      Brian Lewis  1st degree connection1stMeditating Monk Discussions Welcome

      Recently I experienced an intense sense of energy that feels as if at first it is flowing throughout my entire body and then changes so that there is no flow but only a sense of the most intense energy pervading every molecue... This has now occurred four times.


      Mi~Beloved’s Response:

      In such experiences, somehow one should discern the subtle body as distinct from the physical one. Of course it may be difficult because the two bodies may be unified or synchronized so that it is near impossible to sort it. Consider being blindfolded and having to hold a high power wire. How could one tell what is the wire and what is the current which surges through it. For all practical purposes our normal sensing apparatus could not discern the difference but there is one.


      This type of experience may be beyond the subtle body even. It may be an experience of the spiritual body or of a level in the astral dimension which is the highest of the astral levels very near to the pure spiritual plane.


      Would be nice if you could assume that existence full time!

      Why return to this level unless you have no choice?

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