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He's Back!!

Replies (4)
    • Well, considering the times we live. Not long ago thanks to agent orange, Rush Limbo get the highest civilian honor. So is it mainstream now?

      These guys get juiced up in different kinds of drugs, they are addicted in order to harbor these energies in them and exploit their audience.

      King of rightwing radio addicted to 'hillbilly heroin'

      • Yes, a person is innocent until proven guilty. Never mind that nature sees everything and conducts its own kangaroo court. Rush is innocent. Oxycotin is the criminal in this case.

        Let Rush Go!

        Bring in Oxycotin!

        • Good that Rush finally got his head out his ass to face his demons.  Good for him. His buddy President Chump probably thinks that he's weak for fessing up to the public. While he's sitting in the White House popping his "prescription" pain killers and eating his McDonald's. 

          • Yup, those who researched the stuff said that his Sudafed is actually from the UK... Trump is on speed money-mouth

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