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Guru-Shishya Series - 4: Parasitic Behavior of Students

March 20, 2023

Houston, Texas

Guru (/ˈɡr/ Sanskritगुरु) is a Sanskrit term for a "mentorguideexpert, or master" 

Śiṣya/ Shishya (शिष्य) in Sanskrit means “disciple” in English.

Guru or Shishya, who has the burden?

I changed the "Guru" series name to the "Guru-Shishya" Series because the onus is more on the student than on the teacher. The way things are going around looks like the guru's burden is exponentially increasing and the student tends to keep asking the guru to lift the burden constantly on his behalf.

All jivatmas are parasites, not absolute:

All Jivatams (limited entities) are parasites either in one way or another, they are not absolute entities. Jivatamas either suckle on:

  1. Paramatama (Unlimited Entities like Shiva, Krishna, Buddha, etc)
  2. Prakriti (Subtle & Gross Material Nature), Environments
  3. Combination of Both influences of Paramatama & Prakriti (This is the case most often)

Parasitic Phase of every entity:

The parasitic phase is common in nature. Everything is part of the parasite and host setup. Almost every child is formed from the embryo stage to the toddler stage and is set up in a parasite (child) - host (mother) manner. The children tend to act like hosts and suckle the mother and as they grow they take nutrition and nourishment energy from the mother's psyche. 

At some point, the father/ masculine energy has to step in to reform the psyche of the individual if the father figure is not around, some other masculine figures like uncle, brother, boss, etc might fill the role. If this is not reformed during the teens or at least in the early adult stage, the parasitic tendency can get solidified into an irreversible state, a point of no return and one would start suckling at every elder man or woman and enforcing them to fulfill their psychic and physical nourishment needs.

As one grows up, one has to displace and reduce the heavy nourishment need from mother and other human beings and gradually transition to subtle gross/ Material Nature. Most animals and humans succeed partially or fully till this stage even a baby elephant after 12-14 years starts roaming on their own and moves away from the herd/becomes independent not a playful dependent baby.. 

So, now when such an alarm of "become an adult" is raised, there are 2 kinds of approaches the semi-adult in the adult body might take:

  1. This group of entities realizes and laughs at their own fate and starts climbing out of the pit in which he was pushed or he himself went and sat in it. The long-lost spiraling past does not trouble him, he will quickly hike out of the pit with whatever assistance he gets from nature or paramatmas.
    1. For these entities, there was in-built masculine energy to initiate such an evolution to graduate from the lower forms of nourishment from human beings to higher forms of nourishment from Nature or Unlimited entities.
    2. Depending on the degree of in-built masculine energy in each entity will eventually lead to the graduation of higher forms of nourishment energy and the remaining has to be loaned from Paramatmas.   
  2. The second group of entities blames fate, and providence for setting up such a body, environment, and lack of father/ masculine energy participation for their miserable condition. (This is most common)
    1. These entities constantly blame everyone and providence for their misery, they need an evolution thrust from Nature (Prakriti) in coming births or universes or existence, then such a gradual evolution is possible. There is an equal possibility for stagnation too!
    2. Even the threshold graduation level of the entity's psyche needed to utilize the Paramatma grace energy sometimes would be missing. Nothing happened overnight, everybody has gone thru several births with several pressure from nature, grace from higher entities, and potential within to reach the current stage of evolution.

Definitions for context (not to mix up Spiritual definitions with conventional biological usage):

  1. Here, Female energy is used in the context of nourishment or nutrition energy, a limited entity gets this from Nature (Prakriti). 
  2. Here, masculine energy is used in the context of the countering and catalytic force which can enable the limited entity to graduate to higher forms of nourishment or nutrition energy from Nature (Prakriti). 

Every biological male and female have some proportion of male and female energy as endowed by nature and to the Atma's particular preference.

Nature has been set up in such a way that female has predominantly more female energy for nourishment and nutrition purposes for giving birth and raising kids and the male has predominantly more male energy for striving and endurance to graduate to higher forms of nourishment from nature to give utilities and lifestyle needs to family.

This was not man-made, this was a conventional nature setup. Now, nature itself is changing this setup and we see females with extraordinary masculine energy and vice versa. 

Parasitic Student Phase:

Initially, even I was in that phase of asking my astral spiritual teachers to clean up my mess constantly and holding them hostage for the mess I created for myself. They will tend for some time until the disciple starts carrying his own burden on his shoulder.

I understand this messy phase of blood blood-sucking leech tendency in the psyche especially with spiritual aspirants, as I have gone thru it.

There are certain factors embedded in the psyche that can lead to this leech tendency:

  1. Lack of masculine energy in the psyche to graduate the higher forms of nourishment energy
    1. Late Bloomers: Some are late bloomers, the masculine energy is hidden and we see flashes, it just took time to manifest and once it unfolds, they would graduate quicker.
    2. Existentially weaker masculine energy: Some have existentially weaker masculine energy, they have to be left for future births to evolve further. Every family or in a friends circle, we will have an example, nothing more can be expected from them.
      1. One can't expect them to take higher responsibilities seriously and one has to stop wasting energy in that direction. It will fall on deaf ears, it is like trying to get gold in an iron mine, it is just not there! Go to a gold mine, if you want gold, no point in cursing the iron mine! it is just not there!
  2. False-Free Promises of Religious Preachers/ famous yoga teachers to give followers a free ticket to higher worlds without endeavor or austerities.
    1. Endeavour needs Masculine energy, by not using endeavor, the disciple gradually tends to lose it and start accumulating female energy from nature. One has lost a chuck or sidelined the precious masculine energy.
    2. Several priests in the temples who do not do rigorous endeavors or yogic austerities can quickly slide into a state where they start displaying subtle nuances and body language of females and eventually take birth of females and always be confused about the gender.
    3. Listening even to these preachers or famous so-called yoga teachers who sell an easy pass for extremely difficult-to-attain destinations will have far-reaching damage to the psyche and push tremendous female energy into the psyche that makes one sit back and relax as if one is going to be airlifted to higher worlds when the fame yoga teacher himself is waiting to take a rebirth due to his lack of austerities, imagine the impending fate of his followers.
    4. Certain famous lineage teachers' books and speeches made me weak in this context, I undertook very tough austerities to reform those unwholesome tendencies and took help from Buddha, Shiva, Krishna, and true non-famous Gurus.  

Past life body Addiction: Disgusting Parasite's behaviour

If one thinks with an Indian or Tibetan body, one would get enlightened quickly or gradually or in a better position to execute austerities. Okay, sounds fair on the surface, right? Let's dig deeper!

Okay, then the next question would be then why one did not get liberated in his previous Indian or Tibetian or Chinese bodies.

What was the missing link that caused the failure of liberation?

Is it the body, the environment or is it the psyche? The tendency of blaming every factor outside one's own framework of the psyche is the reason for repeated bondage and delusion which forces one to take birth after birth.

White or Black or Mongol or Indian, all physical bodies have a fair playing field now. Everybody is designed with extreme sexual impetus by nature. Indians did not manufacture Indian bodies, nor Africans manufactured Black Bodies, nor Caucasians manufactured white bodies, the nature manufactured everybody. No one has to feel sorry for oneself or for others for any type of body one uses. 

Still not convinced and twisting the past life addiction for bodies as a victim card for not getting an Indian/Tibetian body or so-called superior body and not growing up in Vedic culture.

I would say this Vedic culture did far more damage to my psyche and pushed several primitive stuff and created a vedic jungle in my head. It would have taken lifetimes to cut each tree in this Vedic jungle inside my head filled with superstitions and stupid confidences, I used strong potent Buddha's grace energy directly to reform my psyche to a great deal, without the Blessed Lord's blessing, I was doomed to endless failure.

Addiction is not even the Vedic environment, it is more to the Indian body and with that Indian body, they can manufacture the vedic environment at their will and exploit it for whatever reason. 

I am currently using a light-skinned physical body from an Indian upper caste within an even higher Kshatriya (warrior) caste, and this body has extreme sex impetus. The current physical body is on average masturbating 3 times on a normal day. In my teens, the count was a two-digit number, my friends did not lead me on a bad path, the body itself came with such a code and the events transpired. Now, who wants this upper-caste fair-skinned Indian body?

I have been with every caste and class of men in India and I can assure you this is the universal case now, the nature is manufacturing such bodies with extreme sexual impetus, the environmental vibrations, and foods with chemicals contain such strong reproductive impetus, even the so-called the brahmin or priest clan bodies are not exempted from this.

Now, who wants this upper-caste fair-skinned Indian body?

Even with all the extreme austerities and support from Shiva and Buddha, I could not keep masturbation less than 7 times a week. At this stage I raise my whole body kundalini at least 10-20 times s day, silence vow (Mouni) every week, consumed food only once a day, no interaction with females, still, I could not hold the masturbation count to less than 7 per week. I have done breath infusion on certain several hours to the point of exhaustion, still, I masturbated for falling asleep. This is a battle against nature, it is not going to be easy. What took millions of years to manufacture cannot be changed in 1 or 2 lifetimes. 

Even with superior mediation techniques and a good skillset in pranayama, I am still suffering in this body and what is the point in envying it, and imagine the torment a laity undergoes in it. Still, the corrupted tainted mind will envy such a filthy disgusting body after all that is said!

There might be a body that 1 in a million or billion that has partial immunity to such influence, I am not the guy who cries for not winning the lottery for that particular body with barely little help. If this above revelation does not convince one and still waters and radiates resentment for not getting the Indian/ Tibetian/ Chinese body, No worries! One eventually realizes in the coming eons.

Concluding remarks:

Parasites are master creative creatures, they will find unique ways to latch on to the host's psyche or body for nutrition. Since it is a design of nature, one has to graduate to higher species formats and the human form is one such form with Buddhi that can reform certain tendencies to a good extent. 

The whole idea of knowing or sensing past lives is to develop detachment, instead if one forcefully tries to establish even more bondage from past lives, that person is a phony spiritual aspirant looking for liberation by multiplying bondage. A fool who could not distinguish between bondage and liberation. In Udhava Gita, Krishna says "Scholar is the one who can distinguish between bondage and liberation".

Sometimes past lives relationship may not even be true and the guesswork may have a high degree of error when psychic senses are still not precise, one may be trying to help a fellow seeker as a general goodwill gesture but instead, the fool tries to enforce even more burden to the helper in the name of past life and other mind concocted fables. 

Postman and Mail, which is important?

When a postman comes to deliver mail to an entity and that entity holds him hostage to pay his utility bills and clean his crap for the remaining lifetime, what do you think is going to happen next?

Either the postman himself is so skilled that he would eventually escape from the clutches of the kidnapper secretly or if the postman does not return to his office in time, the head postmaster who sent him would contact the police agency to rescue him, the kidnapper might be lucky if there was no disciplinary action against him. Either way, the postman can't be made liable for anyone's karma and he would eventually be released.

It is healthy to be amiable with the postmaster who delivers important mail that contains essential information, one should be happy and grateful for his service rather than concocting methods to hold him hostage and form attachments or bondages to keep him enslaved for his exploitation in this and future lives. The mail that contains essential information is more important that the agent postman himself.

This clarity and distinction between postman and mail should be integrated in day to day relationships rather than mere reading, walking past it. In the above example, I am that stupid kidnapper and my physical and astral gurus are the postmen who I held captive, I did those crimes for some time and I am not letting it happen anymore as part of my reformation. 

As Blessed Lord Buddha says before departing his physical body "Each of you make himself his island and no other his refuge; each of you should make Dhamma his island, the Dhamma and no other his refuge". 

No more cheap parasitic behavior, need to evolve and shed old useless modes of survival!



Some beautiful parasite images in nature, see how pretty these parasites are!

Marine Parasites are the most masterful and creative of all parasites to find ways to suck out the host.



Tapeworm parasite in the human intestine:


💓 2
Replies (4)
    • Riveting insider perspective. Thanks for sharing!

      • i am writing a reaction to this very broad and deep post, in a manner that is inadequate and perhaps askew. I am addressing the paragraphs dealing with masturbation under the chapter of addiction. Yes, agreeably “This is a battle against nature, it is not going to be easy. What took millions of years to manufacture cannot be changed in 1 or 2 lifetimes.”

        Still, sexuality can be very complex and complicated. When there is denoted the habit of masturbating to fall asleep, then we are not talking about the typical sexual arousal from the typical means. Rather, a relief is sought after from something.

        Anecdotally, there are cultures (South American and maybe more) where nannies (and maybe mothers as well) masturbate little boys to help them relax and fall asleep.That is about a physical “release” of some tension, of course such instances result in dry ejaculation.

        If a similar practice is adopted at an adult age then the behavior becomes a go to for tension/ frustration release, and ascetic practices would not address the root cause, so they may be irrelevant, there could even be a case for such aggregating the condition, not any more than acquiring a family would eliminate (ideally channel) the behavior, so long as the root cause is evaded that can actually be the source for several frustrations to handle, pun intended.

        It is much like emotional imbalance can create cravings for sugary foods (chocolate, is famous in that way), or just simply cause the use of food for comfort. Then addiction is the term used to characterize the behaviors.

        It’s not about nutrition, here sexuality, but a compulsive need for physical soothing with a psycho-emotional basis, like the repeated scratching of an itch that is inconspicuous. The more it itches, the more one itches, and the more one does so, the more it itches. The many ways the all pervasive sex can be (mis)used.

        This is a very general thought, as situations are individual and can have a variety of veneers to mascaraed under. They can be impactful on the lives of those who are thus affected, therefore groups such as SA (sex anonymous), even if each one has a unique and more or less concerning situation within such helping (for some) systems.

        • Dangers of Mastubation:

          Masturbation to sleep is an unhealthy way, young teens or adults discover themselves or hear from friends to offset the imbalance from mental and emotional disturbance to go to sleep.

          Masturbation with wet or dry ejaculation releases Dopamine (happy hormones), endorphins, etc and the human psyche goes momentarily to slightly higher dimensions and goes back to depressive and frustrated mode. They think they come back to the same earth dimension at the end of each masturbation, so what is the big deal?

          No, the mastubator psyche slowly and steadily gets addicted to darker and darker depressed psyche levels and constantly lures one deeper and deeper into it. One can equate these to hell dimensions. The mastubator is lured into these hell dimensions by momentary pleasure. One day, he cries that he finds no happiness and is motivated to end his life or search for some other higher form of happiness elsewhere, it is because he habitually lured himself in that direction. 

          Dry vs wet Ejaculation: Psychihc perspective 

          Training the genital region muscles for dry ejaculation can get dangerous and eventually landslide to wet ejaculation and dangerous addictions. Muscle memory in those regions, memory in the head, and kundalini are forming dangerous loops now that can make the individual hard to break the loop later on in his life. 

          There are several lights from the base chakra, Sex intercourse-genitals chakra, and Kundalini attracts the attention of atma and buddhi down by projecting light from the bottom to the head. I will write a post on that.

          "Sex You" book has accurately depicted all these internal lights during sex with pictures. There is one piece of information that was not included in the pictures of that book but it is mentioned in the Invision series books, it is about the travel of buddhi down to the genitals.

          Buddhi has to travel down to the genitals to meet the kundalini there to reach sexual climax and ejaculate. Buddhi is elevated and it is best if it stays in the head if possible one has to relocate the kundalini from the base chakra to the head or neck, not the other way.

          Constantly taking Buddhi down is a dangerous road to disaster and it is motivated by Kundalini and ancestral force. Even playful masturbation or masturbation for sleep, this process of buddhi going down to the genitals will be the same all the time.

          Several of these age-old or tribal practices are spread out all over the world due to a lack of spiritual wisdom or environmental/ cultural pressure at that time & region, people glorify and package them as a cultural treasure and hand them over to the next generation as a gift, it comes with both good and regressive ideas.

          When one discovers psychically or from a trustworthy source, one should try to unlodge them from the psyche if they can.

          Itching is not the same as Sex (both biologically & psychically):

          When one masturbates or has intercourse, the buddhi and kundalini meet at the genitals for the climax. Even without climax, if one prolongs a sub-climax pleasure for a long time, the buddhi actively moves back and forth from head to throat or chest or navel region, and when it reaches the genital, it shoots out. 

          Scratching during Itching is a soothing process, when one scratch Serotonin hormone (another happy hormone) is released in the body, and soothes the brain, and can even lead to sleep. One keeps scratching more and more as the brain likes serotonin and one stops until the skin protests saying "Idiot, a few more scratches, I will bleed and suffer! Stop it stupid brain from jugging serotonin".  Even now if someone scratches my head, I will fall asleep.

          Why adults don't get attracted to scratching their heads for pleasure strongly?

          Scratching the back, head, and legs is different from scratching the genital region.

          Psychically, scratching at local regions releases cell kundalini, no buddhi travel takes place, just harmless pleasure and minor releases.

          But scratching at the genitals area or any kind of prolonged touching is dangerous, it kicks and awakens the ancestors, kundalini sleeping at the base chakra is triggered and eventually, kundalini awakened like that will not go to sleep again until it has pulled buddhi down to genitals and have a union with him.

          Are some variants of sexuality not about nutrition or nourishment need?

          From the surface, everything looks like love, a compulsion or soothing for mento-emotional trauma but deep down, the idea of soothing and compulsion itself sets the stage for the need for eventual nourishment in some form.

          When one is starving for food, the food touching the tongue itself is an act of soothing and nourishing the compulsive need of the body for gross food. 

          Similarly, some need encouraging/appreciative or pleasant words from time to time for mental nourishment, some need sex in some form to manage the compulsive need for reproduction faculty, and this act of sex itself is nourishing for the other person.

          Everything boils down to the exploitation of nature in the form of action and nourishment/ satisfaction from nature in form of returns.

          Why jivatma always wants nourishment bliss all the time?

          In the Uddhava Gita and Upanishads, there is this famous story of 2 birds:

          Uddhava Gita: 2 birds sit in a tree, one bird eats the fruit and the other big bird is happy and had no craving to eat the fruit. One is the Jivatama and the other is Paramatma. 

          **Adi Shakara restated this analogy from Upanishads as "Small bird touching the fruit is buddhi and the big bird not touching the fruit is Atma".

          **This restatement of Adi Shankara will lead to an inference of jivatma being absolute like Paramatma but that is not the reality. But without extending the analogy beyond its precincts, this 2 bird analogy is enough to understand both the atma & buddhi behavior and jivatma and Paramatma distinction. 

          Jivatma is eternally handicapped and compelled to crave and touch the fruit of exploiting nature whereas the Parmatama (the big bird) is existentially satisfied with its own nature and had no need to touch the fruit to find nourishment or satisfaction, it's existential location is way outside that of jivatama.

          As long as atma is not happy by itself, "Atmena Atmam" (Self on Self) is mentioned in Gita quite often in various contexts, one would keep touching anything and everything. Atma touching the buddhi thru a sense of identity is the very first act of exploiting nature, the bird touching the fruit.

          When one separates the atma from adjuncts (even for a brief time consistently), one will experientially know not just intellectually that everything happening around is a form of exploitation by atma and it gets nourishment bliss in return for its exploitation and this nourishment bliss motivates the atma to exploit more and more for this temporary bliss.

          It is an endless loop unless one finds bliss in being "Self on Self" and that bliss is neutral and fulfilling, until then the journey of transmigration and all-around exploitation and nourishment continues!

        • Well said, and very detailed, advanced as well as insightful!

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