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Gender Confusion

Gender has become a recent interest of mine, due to multiple astral experiences that left me puzzled for sometime. The idea of assuming a physical body with a different gender from the  male gender configuration I currently identify with, was a bit scary to me. Nevertheless, my intellect’s arrogance and confidence in the male gender, doesn’t negate the kundalini’s interest in experiencing another gender configuration. This prompted my interest in investigating the matter.

My investigation started with a study of the Kundalini Self Tantric book by Michael Beloved. It is filled with reports of Michael’s investigations into the Core-Self’s gender, Kundalini’s role in Gender Display and the related subjects. It is a complex subject, but the book dispelled much of my confusion.

The title of the post, was taken from chapter 14 titled “Gender Confusion” of the above mentioned book. Based on my readings, I concluded that:

  1. The Coreself has a default gender: One should not assume the gender of the coreself based on the current and past lives’ physical bodies. Proper investigation should be done after sorting the adjuncts and isolating the coreself from their influence.
  2. Psychic Material nature has the power to override the default gender of the core self: Prakriti/Nature can influence the gender configuration of the subtle body and dictate the physical body that one incarnates in. I have personally witnessed the instant alterations to the subtle bodies of other persons in the astral world.
  3. The gender may be altered when in contact with the kundalini life force, based on its dispositions: Tendencies in one’s kundalini and psyche, whether they are inherent, or developed throughout many lives, does impact the gender of the subtle body and thus the physical body one undertakes.
  4. The kundalini is mainly responsible for the gender of physical bodies one may take: If Psychic Material nature overrides this process and dictates the body an individual undertakes. Then one may develop a physical body contrary to the tendencies and interests exhibited in one’s psyche. Hence, one may have resentments about the physical body they’re currently occupying.
  5. Gender in the Subtle Body as far as the kundalini is concerned, is not as simple as Male, Female and Neuter. 

It is my understanding that yogis should strive to discover the default gender of the coreself. This may be accomplished after many lives of yoga practice when the Coreself can be segregated from the adjuncts, and the yogi is able to develop abstract perception.

Replies (2)
    • From my understand of reading that book;

      1. Core-self is gender neutral (below Brahman effulgence levels)
      2. But core-self has a gender when it transcends to Celestial worlds like shivaloka, Vishnu Loka. (That's what the book talks about)
      3. Subtle body will have inclinations or interests towards one particular gender or multiple. That's where one has to track down, why and how it came. 
      4. Geographically, track where the gender interests in subtle body is stored and operated and see if you can remove it or control it. 
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