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Future People

How science will capture the self!

Replies (1)
    • How science will capture the self!

      It is to be noted that this is a question but an exclamation!

      The self for preferentially taking the back seat is used to by design and by default to go along with the ride, and will IMO subject itself to being captured and captivated willy nilly.

      Typically these movies are on to the next chapter(s) into our (socio-technological) developments as humans, they are futuristic. I very much appreciated the short yet, I’d say good synopsis/ recap into the movie. The average and simplistic plot along with its drama are the meat of the audience, but aren't the real deal in the movie for a few. 

      The psycho-emotional content of the being is the aspect they are grappling with, and to that effect, the question I guess is more that most likely the life force and the intellect being opportunistic will get on board with even a man made material accommodation, with no objections whatever.

      Ultimately, I don’t see that the self would have an issue with a synthetic body or biological one, so long as it gets to coast along. That’s pretty much all it can do for the most part. 

      And, also because all the prerequisites are still present, yoga and even InSelf Yoga might very well be a possibility. The only protest I personally can see is from the ego, and that is the aspect of the being that was tearing apart the synthetic limbs, because as they explained it, the person couldn’t identify with that body. So the sense of identity is that which is bound to get majorly shocked by such future developments, as a definite possible future for us.

      So from a humanity dealing with a garden variety of psych0-mental issues/illnesses we are bound towards one that will primarily personality/ identification disorders, the likes of dissociative, dissecting as well as multiple personalities. In that sense there will still be a great deal to be preoccupied over and stay fidgety about. 

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