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Female ~ Reproductive Energy Lift-Kriya

During June of 2016, Srila Yogeshwarananda wanted me to give a report on success with reproductive energy lift-kriya for females, as to if I discovered an effective method which hones in on female subtle anatomy.


He said this:

Technical kriyas for females are hard to come by. The reason being that most ascetics down the centuries were males who understood male anatomy and who did not focus on developing a process which was based on and which would suit females. What have you to show for your efforts in this regard?


I replied:

I do not have much to show. The systems are different as the anatomy is definitely different. My view is that the method of accumulation and expression of reproductive energy in each of the genders is so different as to require special novel techniques for each.


He then said,

I feel you are on the right track, Keep practicing as you have and make notation of your discoveries. You may pioneer a method for females.



There are two incidences from the Puranas and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, which clarify the current situation of little or no kriyas established for the refinement and curing of the productive energy in the female anatomy.


The first is that the original teacher is Shiva. The original student is Goddess Durga, Shiva’s Primary Consort in this creation. According to a legend which is mentioned in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the goddess was instructed by Shiva in technical kriyas but she was not attentive, A fish who later became known as the human siddha, Matsyendranath, listened attentively and got the gist of the hatha yoga kundalini manipulation practice from Shiva.

A question arises as to if the goddess taught anyone what she learnt from Shiva. We get some hints about this in the Srimad Bhagavatam in the story about Bana’s daughter Ushaa. She had a friend, Chitralekha, who was an associate of the goddess and who was a first class yogini. The indication is that the goddess taught the process during the time of Krishna.


This poses another question as to if the succession prevailed to modern times. If it has then someone may oblige and let us know where the lineage is located today. Astrally a yogi can find proficient females but to get methods from them is not easy. In general as soon as any attempt is made to get information from any of the proficient astral yoginis, they disappear. The reason for this is clear and simple. They do not have permission from their teachers to teach others. They are fearful of the consequences which they would face if they breached the confidentiality.



The second incidence is that in the current run of creation, Lord Shiva did not get the opportunity to impart into this creation the restraining power for containing the reproductive energy. Without this input by him, most others are doomed to become subjects or willing cooperatives of the energy.

Because of the attitude of some supernatural beings early on, Shiva was deprived of the chance to impart a restraining energy into the cosmic reproductive force. Subsequently we have no checking force in our psyches which is natural. This does not doom us but it does make it difficult to contain the energy. We can so it by taking help from him, getting the restraint force from him and applying it within our psyches.


As the legend had it, initially when the Procreator Brahma produced this universe, he issued from himself some supernatural beings of which Shiva was one. Shiva was to supervise the reproductive energies so that there would be full containment of it. He went into meditation but he remained in that for millions of years. The other supernatural people got impatient. They decided to expand the creation. They did so.When Shiva finally recover from samadhi meditation, he realized what happened but he could not reverse it. The other supernatural beings already reproduced others. The creation was in full swing.


As a reactive attitude to that, Shiva broke off his sexual organ and threw it away.



Because Shiva did not get the opportunity to develop and then apply a restraining energy into the cosmic reproductive potency, we remain without a natural restraining force and must work diligently to develop it.

Replies (1)
    • The reproductive energy lift-kriya referenced has to do with a pre-polarity hormonal energy confiscation. Usually these sexual functions mystic procedures focus on the polarity hormonal energy and not on the energy before it gains polarity. Srila Yogeshwarananda is concerned with the stage of the hormone energy formation before it becomes charged. His approach is novel and is not consistent with the regular methods used before.


      To understand this one has to check to see how the digestive system produces the concentrate of energy at first, even before that energy is modified and charged by various glands and organs in the physical and subtle bodies.


      Now as soon as this neutral energy, is sent to various parts of the psyche, the various departures begin taking on a polarity or functioning aspect. At that stage, the yogi or yogini has to arrest the energy.


      If the energy develops polarity, then a whole slew of mystic actions must be taken to contain it and mostly this is done inefficiently, because some of the energy escapes because it is coded by nature to do what nature intended which is not where the yogi directs it. It has a resistance to anything which is not consistent with nature’s designs.



      The kriyas required for males are one grasping method. That for females is another very different method. This is due to anatomy and to the way in which the reproductive energy disperses in either system. The pick-up of either is different. Imagine picking up all the electrostatic energy which would be formed into a lightning bolt, but doing so just before the bolt is manifested. You have not seen the bolt but you are tasked to pick up the energy which will become manifested as the bolt.


      Then imagine picking up the water vapor which is in the atmosphere and which will form into a hurricane shortly. It has not formed into the hurricane yet. You are tasked to collect that vapor energy.


      How would you do it? Would the methods be the same?






      The method of collection of the energy and redirection of it, once the lighting manifest or once the hurricane is in progress is a different yogic subject.

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