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End of the Road

The evolutionary journey through various species of life is one achievement. It is full of curiosities and surprises. In it is hidden the master plan which is repeated in various ways as a journey through a maze which has familiar and unfamiliar passages. Getting out is not part of it, except to escape to safety which means reaching a state of incorruptibility, a state of no decay, a condition in which there is no threat of violence or painful condition.

Each coreSelf is challenged to complete the course where there is an ever-promise of vitality and maximum monitorship. But that happens for a moment, if it even happens in one dip. Then the powers and opportunities are confiscated suddenly or gradually. Then again there is birth or re-emergence. The cycle of actions begins afresh.

A pack of cards which are shuffled, then served to a player, gives him the hope that he will be served the winning hand over and over. Of course, it does not happen in that way but his mind tells him that there is a promise where in some set of cards given to him, he will have the winning hand.

But will he?

The idiot!

He still does not understand that even if he is given the win, still he will lose. He will be reduced. He will be frustrated again.

And if he is not disappointed, if he plays for the sake of playing, because he must, because it is set in that way, still then no matter his detachment, he will be on the losing end, again and again.

What then is left for him to do?

Play the game friend, because you must, because it is so arranged, because destiny has the upper hand!

Play the game friend. You are a cog of little if any significance. Do not begrudge the absolute which you are not.

You resent being a function of time?

But that is an overestimation.

You may be a function of a function of a function, unlimitedly!

It is acceptable to be a near-nothing.

When will you appreciate that?

Replies (2)
    • Well written!

      Mathematically I rewrote what you encapsulated in your writing:


      You resent being a function of time?

      But that is an overestimation.


      y= f(t) [A simple function of time]

      • y= Limited entity's (jivatma) destiny
      • t= time
      • Destiny written as function of time (It is a simple equation that can be solved)


      You resent being a function of time?

      But that is an overestimation.

      You may be a function of a function of a function, unlimitedly!

      It is acceptable to be a near-nothing.


      y= f(g(h(j...........(x,y,...t))

      • y= Limited entity's (jivatma) destiny
      • t= time
      • x =place, object,... etc
      • f(x), g(x), h(x), j(x)..... = Different types of function

      That's how complex the destiny can get where there are infinite solutions to several variables.

      The person solves such a equation in scientific world will get a Nobel prize.

      Nature solves such equations flawlessly and precisely with higher dimensions which are beyond human conception from this side of existence.

      Only people from other side of the nature can do the precise math of the destiny like Buddha, Shiva, Krishna, etc!

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