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Dream Report -- 06/17/2019

The Adjacent Abandoned Lot

I was in an adjacent world. As I became aware of my presence there, I was also realizing that I had just transitioned into a different environment, however I can’t recall what was happening right before, or information pertaining to the mechanics of the change. I knew and understood that I was in an adjacent world, and not just any parallel dimension, because I attempted to verify that I was in dream and tried to put my hand through the brick wall next to me, since I couldn’t perform that act, I concluded that this environment is very close and similar to the material existence, and that the overall energy content was very dense.

I decided not to bother with any other test, with the insight that people around may very well realize that I am not of the place if I do too much, like attempt to leap in the air and fly. It was a dilapidated and seemingly abandoned building with parts of the structures falling apart, and there were old drawings like graffiti on some walls. I moved around, passing people here and there, and turning a few corners all on the ground level of the institution. I could clearly see that they were in a zombified state so to speak, from the energy I was reading from them. They didn’t exchange much of any information, the place was desolate and their situation looked seriously drab to me.

I noticed a couple of kids at a location in a hallway, I approached them, and wanted to interrogate them. I asked a question to the one that was sitting on the floor. I asked if he knows that he is dead. He was taking time to reply or react. And, a thought shot in my mind to record his reply for later evidence. I as looked for my cell phone, trying to be quick and very hard not to be detected, I was also mentally rapidly trying to seek in my mind in which folder I’d keep the voice recorder app on my phone. Upon touching the cellphone however, it light up, and I became anxious that the light from the screen will create suspicion over me and my presence in that place. There was nothing technological visible otherwise, not even light bulbs.

Somehow, I rapidly started to feel my body dematerialize from there. I was feeling as irresistibly heavily sedated, as when drifting under anesthesia. I fought to stay a moment longer and get my evidence. An energy or a bigger kid or someone would not allow what I wanted to do. As my body started to disappear against my wish, I wondered for an instant what they could be making of me just disappearing like that, I almost wanted to hide so as not to hurt their understanding of reality. Promptly I lost my sense of perception sight into their space. Then at the last second, that other presence there that I couldn’t figure or see at this point shouted at me loudly and with much upset a bad word, which he repeated. I heard the loud vibration of the word into my head sphere which had already dematerialized, but was still located at that spot before I disappeared completely. This is all happening very expediently.

I found myself at a different adjacent location, that I initially thought was in the dimension I currently live in, but it turned out to be another place in the subtle realm. There also, the conditions were not good for kids, they were neglected but no one seemed zombified, to the contrary the energy and texture in this dimension is very earth-like, with no one even having a reason to suspect that they are dead, and maybe they are not but rather just hanging out in the astral.

Replies (2)
    • I can’t recall what was happening right before, or information pertaining to the mechanics of the change.


      It is best to figure where you were after the experience as soon as you resume consciousness in the material body. In some experiences you will know where you are during the experiences but otherwise figure it out after the experience based on the energy content which is retained when you resume physical life.


      I attempted to verify that I was in dream and tried to put my hand through the brick wall next to me


      This idea about verifying an astral experience by putting hand through the wall was not recommended by me. I did notice it however on the Internet where it, along with other similar methods are popular, especially on the lucid dreaming sites.

      I suggest not even trying to figure it out while you are in the experience but rather to stop the mind from investing energy in the investigation about it and instead in focusing the mind in properly noting the experience, so that it is not forgotten and can be vividly recalled later once you resume the physical body. Then in the physical body use that memory to determine what experience it was and where it was.

      There may be very little kundalini battery energy in the subtle form during an experience and if the major portion of it is invested in figuring any specific thing, that means that the recall later will be poor because the observation was weak or was lacking energy power during the experience, because the energy was going into figure where you were.

      It is important to understand that the quest to control the subtle body and to be objective to it just as you are objective to physical existence is a nonsense idea because it is not likely that nature will allow you to have all your memories and references from the physical side. Thinking that you can carry the physical reference hereafter is silly and is a miscalculation about nature’s power over what you will actually have hereafter.


      Here is something. Last night I was in Canada with some persons. While there I noted everything carefully but this is because I trained my mind to do this automatically, where the important thing is to observe and properly retain the memory of what happened.

      Once I resumed physical consciousness, I recalled everything and then I determined where I was, who I was with and how I got there and under whose influence. During the experience my mind did not investigate into who caused me to be there, nor did it focus on where it was. This was figured only after returning to the physical system.

      I did not try to put my hand through a wall or anything like that.

      I would add also that putting the hand through the wall is nonsensical because that is a valid way of figuring astral experience only when the astral body is in a particular frequency which is more transcendental to the astral level you are in. If for instance you are on a level where the astral body is the exact same frequency, that test will fail because the astral hand will not go through the wall there. Hence that test is useless in most cases. It is based on the false assumption that the astral form is always of a lighter energy than the dimension the dreamer or astral projector is in.

      In experience with people who are deceased and who live in the astral existence, you will find that they are walking on roads and not flying. In fact, if they see you flying they might become alarmed and might feel you are a sorcerer or someone who is harmful or evil.

      Consider this, that a cell phone signal can get into that phone even if the signal has to pass through a concrete wall. Why is that? It is because the signal is lighter than the wall. On the other hand, when in an aircraft they request that people turn off their phones because they do not want interference from phones to interrupt or buffer the signals the pilots must send or receive. That means that a signal might be solid to another signal, even though a signal is transcendental to a wall.

      The astral body is transcendental to some psychic domains when that body is in a higher vibration than the psychic realm it is in, otherwise it will seem to be just like whatever is in that realm.

      • Thank you for the remarks and guidance.

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