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Dream Report 03/07/2020 - Suryananda

It’s been in shallow wake consciousness or on my mind to follow up with a brother of mine, but more importantly, I have been trying making it point to impress upon myself a realization in my next astral projection experience. In the last connected subtle projections, I noticed that though I was clearly projecting and woke to that reality, I did not objectively tell myself during the dreams that I wasn’t in my normal physical environment.

This was the case specifically in the last dream reported, which was unusual because I did not project or venture outside of my room, rather I spent time right there with the realization that my body was laying down in the back, but never seeing that this wasn’t the room I now use. I wanted to mark that during the next experience.

When I suddenly realized that I was in an astral projection, I immediately was able to also see that this just a dream, but this space is not my earthly living space, and I was content to have been able to make the observation. I was again remaining in the living environment. Then I decided to simply take a seat on the floor. As I did, I noticed that there was anti-gravity and I ended up in a V formation with the buttons nearly on ground and the feet up in the air. This is a position that I assume more frequently recently as an asana during pranayama.

Intuitively also, I feel that I created the anti-gravity situation, although it felt odd to experience it. Other objects were not floating, so it similar to when one flies around while projecting. As I sat, I also noticed that the aforementioned brother was present to my left slightly behind me. I didn’t interact with me. I wonder if he wasn’t in an adjacent dimension as I needed to follow-up with and didn’t want to forget my obligation, therefore, he appeared close by, as he keeps doing in my wake thought dimension without being present physically or auditorily (by phone).

Replies (3)
    • You should consider that absolute control over objectivity anywhere and everywhere is an impractical desire. Nature will just not support it. There are too many features of consciousness which are elusive for a limited entity. It is not possible to have the upper-hand and there is no proof that you had the upper-hand in the past, nor in the present and so we can assume that you will not have it in the future.

      What to aim for under these dire circumstances?

      Sensible instinct so that even if there is no objectivity, still the behavior and responses will be in the best interest.

      • I understand that it is futile to want to be a controller. For, regarding inSelf Yoga it is more important to see and accept the attitude that one is in a better position by only having objectivity, going through any experience. That way I get a chance to internalize the experience with some sense of analysis, by avoiding being distracted by other desires and mindset.

        Though it must be stressed that desire for control as well as that of overly identifying with the activities are counterproductive, developing objectivity is supportive of wanting more clarity, regardless of the dimension/ environment. Also, in this passage from Meditation Pictorial pg. 213 by RishiDeva Michael, the areas highlighted show that it is good preparation for death.

        I was somewhat quizzical to experience it within days of thinking to want to have awareness of my change of location (from physical to subtle). I have tended to spend much time in a limited area where I live for some time, and it was easy to also be in a cross-world where I would be in the adjacent limited area.  


        Meditation Pictorial Pg. 213


        Please see next post as not able to paste text here somehow.

        • “There are many adjacent cross-worlds which are easily accessible to us. Since their energy frequencies are just a little higher or lower than this place, they are, existentially speaking, merely a step away. Even though, for us, these locations are subtle or perhaps imaginary, the persons who live there experience these places physically. They developed suitable bodies to experience those places in a gross way.This is not hard to understand. For us, this physical world is a cross-world when we are in the hereafter as disembodied souls requiring physical forms. Even for us, this place was dreamy, flimsy and subtle, when we first entered the emotions of our parents for developing the present gross forms. Thus it is not hard to imagine the existence of these cross-worlds. Knowledge of these places results in a decrease of attachment to this physical place.Once I found myself in a parallel world which was very similar to this earthly place. I was drawn there by persons who had long departed material bodies and who lived in their last bodies in Guyana. Since my present body took birth there and accepted services from some of those departed persons, they developed a power to transfer my subtle form there.As usual, when I arrived I forgot my existence over here. This forgetfulness is something I desire to eliminate. In the near future I hope to report to readers that I did indeed overcome this lack of objectivity. When I arrived into that parallel world, those persons who helped raise my body in Guyana in infancy and who passed on, wanted me to become a teacher. To their minds, I was quite suitable as a school teacher. They had no view of my ambitions for increased spiritual perception. In fact, even though I forgot the existence on this side of life, still my need for and yearning for liberation continued there.Suddenly those persons told me that I was appointed to a school and that I would be the chief teacher. I was shocked. Not only did I forget my existence on this side, but I felt trapped on the other side in the association of those culturally-concerned people. Actually that world is just like this one. People here are also concerned primarily with cultural improvement.In that other world, there was hardly any rudeness in the children. And combined with that, there was no intoxication or liquor-drinking habits by men. Thus from the cultural view, it was a desirable place. Still to me, it was a prison. Suddenly, just as I arrived there, I found myself withdrawn.On April 27th of 1997, I accidentally fell asleep in a room where the ventilation was restricted. Since the air breathed through the gross form was of a poor quality, the subtle body became de-energized as soon as it left the physical form. Then it entered a cross-world.After entering that dimension, I did, for the time being, forget my existence in this world. I noticed that the religion there was similar to the Hinduism of this world. They used a language which was similar to Hindi. There were no racial biases, but there was a disparity in the varying levels of intelligence. Some people predominated just as in this world.There was a police force but crime was infrequent. I attended a lecture by a priest. Later on after I came back to the physical body, the Shiva Deity informed me that the priest was troublesome. He said: "I endeavored to curb him for some time."Shiva did not explain what he meant by “some time”. But later that day, knowing that I wondered about the duration, his voice echoed in my head, “It was a very, very long time, longer than you can know.” A reader may observe that while I was in the cross-world, I forgot my existence here. But as soon as I came back here, I remembered the occurrence there. This is better than going to such a place, and not remembering the transfer. Still, I should improve recall so that I can objectively know while crossing over and consciously be aware that I left a physical body behind in this place. Such knowledge would help me in preparation for the death of this physical form.After all, for spiritual success, I should know when my material body dies. I should not be like my departed mother, who, even three months after she left her physical form, still thought that she could return to it and still made repeated efforts to awaken it, even though it was long cremated. What is the use of a religion or austerities, if one does not know objectively when one has left the physical body behind temporarily or permanently, and has gone to another world?”

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