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Dream about Living on Air in the Astral

I was at an outdoor place where there was a festival taking place. It was an astral place very adjacent, nothing appeared odd (but one exception, that was realized after the dream reality). At one point I was waiting in line by some stands and vendors, and basically hanging out leisurely around people as you’d do in such gatherings. I had a queen awareness during the dream, even though I don’t recall anymore what other activities I was engaged in prior to the following described segments which are more important to me anyways. Before those end parts is like a living with amnesia, and no way to access the memory content at this time. Even though I was over there for apparently an evening more or less, on this side the time scale is contracted into just a few minutes. This is also an exploration I was on alone and didn’t know anyone as I am aware.

I was “told” about this guy at the next kiosk, it was one of those mobile vans/ RV for vendors with one side that opens widely to accommodate connecting with the outside. I received the clear information that he lives on air. I had to wait in line with the other customers and then try to satisfy my sense of my curiosity (a worthier engagement considering the overall idleness...). This portion of the dream must have lasted about a half hour, even just considering the line, and there was no noise or sounds as I recall, in particular not the usual musical funfair that is customary. As my turn neared I was wondering how I could discuss such a personal matter with him that was completely unrelated to his business. However, he came out of the van to me and there seemed to be less customers all of the sudden. He had picked up on my thoughts, and I don’t recall having to express my question to him in speech form after all. 

He started explaining that it is possible to live on oxygen, and detailed the process that I don’t recall as we discussed for about 15 minutes. I was more preoccupied with trying to access the honesty in his statements. The word prana flashed into my thoughts, but I instinctively kept such yogic notions at bay (realizing that this was the proper circumstance for such elaborations). His astral body I noted was certainly emaciated, perhaps that is one thing to take into consideration I was thinking. A bit later, I was speaking with an overweight woman about 20 to 30 feet across from the RV, she was around his age, they were a Caucasian couple. The information directly came to my intellect that she is his wife. In this dimension the sense of intuition is very sharp and significantly more accurate, one can take it to be as good as direct revelation. She was further explaining to me that all you need is an oxygen machine. I wondered if what they are talking about is a simple oxygen therapy, and if it could be a good idea that I also buy one of those apparels. That is a thought had come to my mind about 8 years ago, and instead I simply ordered a couple of what was called oxygen sticks to breathe shots of just to experiment (unrelated to dieting, but rather exercising) ...

In my communication with the woman, I recalled my thorough experience with “living on light” as per Jasmuheen, so the whole time we discussed I was comparing notes in my head. I was not concerned or aware that my thoughts could be detected until after the dream as I report in writing it down. However, it is possible that not all thoughts are equally or easily perceived by others in such dimensions; if one mumbles while speaking in such a way that you don’t want others to hear, as when kids sometimes do when being forced to reveal a fact, they have to be asked to speak again and louder…. To me it was obvious that they were duping themselves and that what was crucial to this pair was the notoriety, being known as folks who are “supposedly” practicing this concept. Anyways whether right or wrong that was the conclusion of my investigation.

One question I asked, which for me challenged her overweightness, was if one has to purge of all foods prior to beginning the lifestyle, the word in my subtle head was breatharianism (a specific concept notwithstanding), that is when she pretty much narrowed it down to using an oxygen machine as she was being somewhat pressured. But she didn’t appear bothered at all, they were happy to life their ideas. I can note that it is the sense of satisfaction that was providing this couple a supply of enthusiasm (faith) energy which was allowing them the currency of superiority and resultant admiration from others. Their lives were successful, according to their standard and that is what matters most. I thought to myself as I was coming to the physical reality “well people lie” (and to themselves as well, more critically). I awoke with thoughts of an associate and seconds later a friend for different reasons referring to each, with the first association being more relevant to the overall content matter ... 

Replies (1)
    • Great clarity of that astral experience. Thanks for posting!

      By the way Jasmuheen was implicated in this (Wikipedia):


      Deaths of followers[edit]

      As of 2012, five deaths had been directly linked to breatharianism and Jasmuheen's publications.[9][10] Jasmuheen has denied any responsibility for the deaths.[11]

      53-year-old Melbourne resident Lani Marcia Roslyn Morris died in 1999, while attempting the breatharian "diet" advocated by Jasmuheen. Jim Vadim Pesnak, 63, and his wife Eugenia, 60, were jailed for six years and two years, respectively, on charges of manslaughter for their involvement in the death of Morris. Pesnak had delayed seeking medical attention.[12] Referring this case, Jasmuheen commented that Morris's practice of Inedia perhaps was "not coming from a place of integrity and did not have the right motivation".[9]

      Jasmuheen offered similar defence in response to the death of Verity Linn, who died of Hypothermia and Dehydration with lack of nutrition while practising Inedia in Scotland, her diary mentioning Jasmuheen's teachings. Linn's body was found in a tent.[13][14] In 2012, it was reported that a Swiss woman died of starvation after having attempted to survive purely on light, as taught in one of Jasmuheen's books.[10] In 2017 a Dutch woman living in a household of four practitioners of breatharianism inspired by Jasmuheen[15] died under mysterious circumstances. The three remaining members of the household are suspected of withholding the malnourished woman adequate medical care.[16]

      Jasmuheen has written that "If you haven't found the light that will nourish you, you may have the intention to become a breatharian, but in fact you may be putting yourself through food deprivation. There is one known case where a person died when trying to become a breatharian."[17]

      In 1999, Michelle Shirley, spokeswoman for the Cult Information Centre, told the BBC that the centre had been contacted five times in the previous 12 months by concerned friends and family members of Breatharians and that "although Breatharianism is not strictly a cult, the centre has been monitoring its activities". She added, "We are particularly concerned about any implication that if it doesn't work, it is the person's fault. That implies there is nothing wrong with the Breatharians' teachings."[7]


      She may be confusing subtle with physical or trying to make the physical do what is native to the subtle.

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