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Do Plants have a Soul?



This is a reaction to Devapriya’s video linked above that I have found really engaging.

Do you think that plants got soul?

They are able to do so much and so much better in some aspects!


Plants are able to feel it seems, they can see. Plants simply are not in need for what is for us the physical organ for vision. However, they certainly have at the dendrites’ and molecular level a central neural center. Most plant biologists agree with plant neurobiology.


Therefore plants also have been fitted by the grace of Nature with a valid subtle organ of perception for photon detection within their environment. In a similar way plant live form consists of utilizing all the other senses animal societies enjoy. Sensual awareness of the environment is essential for the presence of consciousness.


According to Darwin in his “root-brain” hypothesis on plants, they have a brain which would be located and now confirmed to be at the root of the plant. In this way, plants’ sexual organs are above ground in the air or water.


Plants generally need the animalistic instincts of others to reproduce, by getting their seeds around and eliminating the need to chase. Their stillness which is only time relative it seems goes well along with dozens, hundreds and even tens of thousands of years, almost an eternity of perhaps beatitudes.


According to the movie Avatar, as again fiction depicts reality faithfully, the social beings that plants are can be very advanced. The most basic tools of plants from what I gathered are warfare and communications using chemicals agents.


It doesn’t seem difficult to accept that these creatures have memory. So really they too do have souls and considering their typical reproductive methodologies, they re-incarnate or I shall say “re-plantate” (if you will allow me to make up a word).


Since the Dalai Lama has previously said that machine can possibly have consciousness, he most likely will grant plants at least that much, after all they are connected to their environment. At any rate every living creature is allowed to be a soul.


Without any need for sentimentality I noticed that sprouting my seeds, grains and pulses will give me the same type of satisfaction a farmer would by collecting eggs from his birds. Oh, so many babies. It is small wonder that a plant based diet would be different from an animal including one.


Since the genome project has been extended to plants, it is now understood that plants have by far more genes than even humans. They need a certain level of advancement in order to survive the way they do. I guess who was first, the egg or the chicken is also the plant or the animal?


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