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Desire Cosponsors Future Births

The two factors which guarantees certain conditions for another physical birth are current actions and logged desires which remain unfulfilled. Together these subtle energies serve as the engine for other lives yet to be lived, yet to be established by Nature’s opportunity system.

Actions committed are physical completions which Nature logged and which it uses to support or deny the fulfilments expected from such actions. The subtle part of this occurs as desires. These are ongoing such that they are hardly observed, monitored, and tailored by the self. Usually, the self is complacent in regards to its subtle desires. Usually, the self only notices desire energies when they are full developed. This is due to the pressing need for grossness, and the laziness in the self in regard to checking and monitoring the psyche.

The rational mind does have a part to play but its ability to dominate the psyche is limited. More or less, the dominance is exercised by the subtle desires which transcend rationality. Even a tiny desire, even one which is abstract to the self itself, could cause one to become an embryo soon after the physical system dies. This is because the desires which run haphazardly through the mind, are release energies which are used by Nature to formulate the conditions which one will be born in as the social and environmental situation in the next body.

Part of this frustrates the self. The other part is for fulfilling it. As fuel is burnt to its exhaustion, so the desire energies serve as a power used by Nature to lay out events for fulfilment, except that the conditions may produce enjoyment or suffering, and Nature accesses unlimited desires.

There is a high probability that what is desired is flawed, where Nature cannot or will not cast future events which will yield fulfillment. There is no way for a self to know if Nature will give it the upper hand as the master architect of the future circumstance. In this life, one has some desires which cannot be fulfilled. These subtle urges and motivations come up helter skelter, as one moves through time to the end of the physical body.

One sees something or encounters something as an odor, flavor, color, surface, or sound, then one desires to make contact with that sense object. This may be only a curiosity but it could be a deep yearning for whatever. Nature notes this. One is tagged with the desire. If the contact with the sense object is completed, if one gets the experience, that may or may not end the affair.

If there is no opportunity to complete the contact, Nature notes that as well. It keeps that as one’s need and puts that energy aside to be fulfilled in the future, either in the current or a future birth. Such is the method used by Nature, to fund future events which one will be subjected to in this or in a future body. Nature will arrest one’s attention. Nature will create events which one will be subjected to and which will produce fulfillments or frustrations according to its calculus. 

Replies (1)
    • I see God’s lower energies, the Material Nature as His creative energy from where all emanate and expand, till the end of times.

      I see God’s higher energies, the coreSelves or atmas as his participative energies. They are compelled to participate. By definition their partaking to what we call life is inexorable and indispensable to the divine plan.

      The inSelf Yogins' best course of action is to limit said participation as much as possible. They’d see the need to go counter-current to the system's design in order to aim outside the box, the matrix.

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